28. The Walls

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Bite My Tongue - You Me At Six (feat Oli Sykes).


I actually managed to fall asleep at a reasonable time for once, instead of staying up listening to music all night. I had a sneaking suspicion that Willow had somehow managed to slip me some sleeping pills, but until I had further evidence I wouldn't introduce my theory to her.

Apparently Mr. Memory had not been as lucky travelling to the land of dreams, as I had several texts from him when I woke up.

At two in the morning he texted me to say I'm sorry I couldn't get you Tiffany's.

At two fifteen I received Maybe we could break in together and be like Bonnie and Clyde?

Only minutes later he added Preferably without the dying part though.

I was laughing at these texts as I related to them so much. The most random, uninvited thoughts enter your mind at that time in the morning when the rest of the world is asleep. You can reach a point when you're too tired to sleep and your brain dissolves into mush.

At three in the morning Will continued with his texts. He obviously knew I was asleep at that point, but carried on anyway.

That Toby guy was a bit of a creep.

Well no, he wasn't a creep. He was just totally hot for you.

How cliché is it to have a crush on your friend's sister?

I just rolled my eyes knowing that three o'clock in the morning Will was not as lucid or coherent as three o'clock in the afternoon Will.

I summoned up all of my energy and pulled myself out of bed, walking over to my bathroom aware that the only way to properly wake myself up was to shower. Why is it when you sleep longer you're always more tired?

I was running late by the time I came down for breakfast and Willow was getting annoyed at me.

"We're meant to be leaving in five minutes, what have you been doing up there?" She asked me, her frustration evident in her face.

"Nothing," I mumbled, shoving some bread in the toaster. The truth was I was slightly nervous to go back to school. I would have to face Sutton and Riley and that didn't sound particularly appealing.

The toast popped up and I shoved some butter on it, placing it on a paper towel.

"Let's go, what are you waiting for?" I smirked at Willow as I picked up my bag and headed towards the front door.

"You are not eating in my car," Will commanded as we were walking over to his side of the street.

"Just watch me, Clyde," I winked before getting in despite his wishes. He was trying to look angry, but he ended up chuckling slightly.

I wasn't going to mention the Toby thing, since I'm sure it's something he regretted saying.

"What are you going to do about Sutton, Lia?" Willow asked from the back seat as Will drive us.

"Nothing probably. I'm sure Sutton will have moved on by now, you know what she's like," I told her.

"And what about Riley?" Will asked, keeping his eyes firmly on the road.

"I hadn't really thought about that," I admitted. It was a subject I had been avoiding thinking about.

We pulled into the parking lot and as usual, all eyes were on Will. People at our school seemed to worship him for some reason. All the guys wanted to be him and all the girls just wanted him.

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