57. History

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Drown - BMTH- 5SOS Cover (I chose the 5SOS cover because it's a bit slower and to me more emotional, but I equally love the BMTH original. This song definitely represents how Will is feeling!)


I'm not sure I'll be able to explain it. There aren't words of enough magnitude to describe when I first saw her. I guess the closest analogy I can summon up is switching on a light. When I first saw her it was like flicking on a switch and filling the room with light. Iridescent. At the time it felt like I had a monumental realisation but I couldn't recount what I had realised.

I was doing my usual thing, biting off more than I could chew with a girl serving time for assault. She was gorgeous but when Malia walked past she was beyond description. She wasn't my usual type, she was dark and brooding and looked like she'd tear the head off of anyone who approached her, and I liked that.

"That's really interesting Katie, I'll catch up with you later," I dismissed the blonde, my eyes focused on the girl I hadn't noticed before.

I think it was her eyes that drew me in, there was something in them. Black hair, black clothes, black make up, but the brightest blue eyes you'll ever see. I was intrigued to say the least.

"You must be new around here," I sauntered over to her, taking the seat across from her.

"Is it really necessary for you to sit there?" from anyone else it would have sounded sarcastic, but I could tell immediately that she really didn't want me there, I wasn't deterred through.

"Well, it would be weird if I were standing up talking to you whilst you're sitting, it's much more intimate this way," I even winked at her, usually the girls would turn to jelly when I winked at them, but not her.

"Is it really necessary for you to talk to me?" She challenged me, not even the slightest hint of amusement on her face.

"Well you see sweetheart, I'm a guy who likes getting what I want, it's kind of the reason I'm in here-"

"And let me guess, you want me? That's really original and all buddy, but I'm not going to fall at your feet like all these other girls so don't waste your energy, in fact, don't waste your breath. Don't even say another word, just get up and leave and never talk to me again."

I'll admit I was speechless for a moment, I was speechless for the first time in my life. I was speechless and amazed.

"You didn't let me finish sweetheart. I'm a guy that likes getting what I want and I'm good at getting what I want, so just know that I'm not going and not coming back," I stood up then, hoping to leave her shocked and impressed by my words.

"You're not that good at getting what you want, you wound up in here with the rest of us," she called after me.

"It still led me to you though, didn't it," I grinned at her as I stupidly made my way over to some other blonde.

It really didn't matter to me whether or not I proved her wrong anymore, whether or not I really did always get what I want. I realised as she lay dying in my arms that every single decision, every mistake, every misfortunate event had led me to her.

It became apparent to me what I had realised all those years ago, that I had found my soul mate. I had no idea how I knew, but there was no denying it. The universe had led me to her twice, of all the people in the entire world, it was her.

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