11. Secrets of the Universe

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Dirty Harry - Grace 

"Malia, you look like a drowned rat. What happened to you?" Sutton asked as soon as she saw me. I was very aware that the room was crowded, many of the guys had shown up to help and unfortunately many of them were looking at me.

"I thought I was going to be late" I explained, feeling self-conscious with all the eyes on me.

"Fortunately, you've got some time to sort yourself out, you're not on for a while. Now remember what I told you, I want glamorous, okay? You have beautiful blonde hair, make it big! And I think a nice smoky eye would bring out the blue of your eyes. Listen to me Malia" she snapped her fingers in front of me, to garner my full attention. "I know what you're like, I don't want understated make up. Big and beautiful, repeat that please" she ordered me.

"Big and beautiful" I repeated, slightly terrified. Stressed out Sutton was twice as demanding as ordinary Sutton, a feat that had once seemed impossible.


I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked ridiculous. Santana had come in whilst I was doing my hair and make up and before I knew it the whole of Triple S had invaded the room.

"I said glamorous Malia! Not girl next door!" Sutton whined as she took in my look.

Instantly the three of them began working on me, shoving my hair into rollers and making up my face.

"We'll put your lashes and lipstick on in a bit, after you've practiced your walk" Sutton informed me, dragging me out of my seat.

I looked like a ghost and I was going to have to practice in front of everyone, including the guys. Suddenly I was starting to feel quite nervous for the show. I could trip in front of everyone, and then I'd have to move states.

She took me to the stage and showed me how to do the walk once again.

"Don't forget to sway your hips, make every step count. Your lips should be pouted, but you have to smile with your eyes" Sutton ordered me as she moved in front of the stage, ready to watch me.

I stared at her like she was speaking mandarin, or Arabic or some other language I couldn't recognise.

"I'm afraid my face isn't that co-ordinated" I told her, standing awkwardly on the stage. A few people were watching me, but fortunately Will was nowhere in sight.

"Just try Malia" she sighed, signalling me forward. I took a deep breath, trying not to show my nervousness. Maybe my mom was right about this being a bad idea...

I began walking forward, but it was harder than I had expected. I couldn't concentrate on walking right and making my face so things at the same time. How was that even possible?! I struggled enough placing one foot in front of the other as it was!

"Head high please Malia!" Sutton shouted. She was that patronising teacher everyone hates.

When I got back to my original spot the three of them just stared at me, looking somewhat distraught.

"That was hideous" Santana said bluntly.

"Please Santana, don't sugar coat it for me" I said sarcastically, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Are you playing a ghost in the show?" A voice suddenly said behind me and without thinking I lashed out.

I accidentally punched Dexter in the face and he fell to his knees, gripping his nose.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry! You scared me!" I exclaimed, feeling so guilty I just wanted to throw myself off of the stage.

"You punched my face! That's my money-maker!" He yelled through his cupped hands.

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