16. A Flourish of Flour

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10,000 Nights - Alphabeat (this song is adorable and so catchy and you should definitely listen to it)

Many would consider Sutton Satherley to be an event organising genius, others would consider her to be a dictator. I felt that she was both.

The combination of the two qualities meant that she was determined and effective, except, she wasn't great at sharing her plans with everyone else.

On Wesnesday lunchtime, the day before the bake sale, she decided to tell me I was helping to run the stall. And, to top that off, she told me I also had to bake a cake! It was the cherry on top, if you will.

"Sutton, you haven't exactly given me much warning about this," I whined after she told me, ever so casually.

"Come on Malia, baking a cake isn't exactly hard," she shook her head at me.

"I've never been much of a baker" I worried. I really was awful at baking. I wasn't the bat cook in general.

"I'm a great baker, just saying," Will grinned at me and all of the guys began to laugh.

"Hilarious Maverick" Isaac chuckled stupidly.

It would have been the perfect moment for the whole cafeteria to burst out singing Stick To The Status Quo.

He pretended to join in with their laughter before he leaned in closer to me and whispered out of the side of his mouth "I really can bake."

I was standing over a recipe book with Willow later that evening, staring at the recipe as if it were written in Mandarin.

"I don't think we own a sieve" she continued staring at the book as though it was causing her pain.

I had asked if she was any good at baking in the car on the way home and she agreed to help me, despite the fact she could barely cook toast.

I grabbed the flour and began pouring it into the bowl. "That looks about a cup, right?" I looked to Willow for approval.

"No you idiot you have to measure it" she flicked some of the flour into my face.

"Did you just flick flour on my face?" I asked, not believing she had actually just done that.

"So what if I did?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

I picked up a handful of flour and chucked it at her. It flew all over the kitchen and covered Willow's face completely.

I couldn't help myself, I began laughing at her enraged expression and before long she began laughing too.

She chucked the bowl of flour over my head as I laughed almost hysterically. It was such a precious moment.

Before I had gone off the rails, Willow and I were close. We had always been best friends, but she completely turned on me when I started getting myself into trouble.

For once she had let go of her anger and her resentment and was treating me like her sister, rather than her enemy.

I picked up the bag of flour and was just about to pour it over her head when an unexpected guest walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Will asked, his mouth hanging open through shock. He looked genuinely horrified.

"Baking" I answered, placing the flour back on the counter slowly.

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