My eyes fluttered open just a bit as I rolled over on my side. The familiar scent of (describe how he smells) slipped in from the open window. I leaned up and dragged my self over to the frame and opened the window.

“What do you want Thomas?” I called out.

A pair of muscular hands gripped the window frame, coming into view was a wet, military style haircut, striking grey eyes, and lips that I could kiss all day.

“What do I want?” He repeated back to me.

He wore his usual combat boots and his dark wash jeans. But he had on a white beater and his normal black zip up hoodie.

“I’m pretty sure that’s what I just asked.” I mumbled walking back over to my bed. I stopped and pulled something out of the closet.

“Well, I would want my girlfriend to talk to me, or maybe why she won’t talk or look at me anymore might be a better quest---”

“How many questions do you have Thomas?”

“See!” He said pointing at me. “You’re still mad at me?!?”

I rolled my eyes and unzipped one of the bags and stuffed the green sequin dress in the bag.

John stopped and pointed at the dress, “What’s that?”

“This is a dress…girl’s wear it---”

“You don’t wear dresses…”

I glared at him. “Becky said she’s gonna take us out and show us the town, I wanna look cute.”

I pulled it back out and held it up to me. I could hear him gulp loudly and stare at the mid thigh, sparkly dress. His rational thoughts had disappeared and the only thoughts I could hear was whimsical and sexual. I waved my hand in his face.


He blinked his eyes a few times and I could see the lust building up, while the passion clouding his judgment. His grey eyes were moving so quickly. Glancing from my eyes, to my lips, from my lips to my breast.

I held my composure as I starred deeper into his eyes.

“What’s a matter? Wolf got your tongue?”

He released his breathe and pinched the bridge of his nose and turned away from me. “Why would you need that if you’re going to train?”

I shrugged and turned back around packing the dress back into my suitcase. I looked over my shoulder at him, “I didn’t know I had to ask you for permission to dress myself. Besides, I want to look good, she said there was usually a bunch of hot guys---”

John turned around quickly and I could feel his angered stare.

“Why do you need some douche bag guy! You already have a mate! Hello!? He’s right here!”

He saw my body twitch at him yelling. I shook my head and chewed on the inside of my jaw as I lifted my bags off my bed.

“Well maybe my ‘mate’ sees how it is to see the person they “supposable” love, flirt or have sex---”

“Are we still on that! Jen I didn’t sleep with any of those girls!”

“But you do flirt with them!”

We stared at each other as he held his clinched fists close to his sides. The tears sat in my eyes and at any moment, I could feel them spill out and crash against my cheeks.

John sighed and rubbed his face, “Jesus Christ… Babe I didn’t mean to yell…”

He walked over and took my bags from me and sat them by the door. “Jen talk to me…”

I stared into his eyes and they were as hard as stone, but full of so much emotion. I shook my head and tried stepping back and at the same time I stepped backwards, his hands flew out and wrapped around me holding me close to his chest.

“Let me go Thomas!” I cried pushing at his chest.

“Jen knock it off! Why do you act like you hate me!”

“I do John!” In my fury of rage, all I remember was pushing him back and my fist connecting with his jaw.

Then…the world stopped.

“God… John… John I’m sorry…”

He held his hand up and walked towards the window. “Gotcha Jennifer.”

“John stop!”

“No you made you’re choice! Happy fucking days for you Jennifer!” He yelled while jumping out the window.

I rubbed my face and sat on my bed. I really didn’t hate John… I just hated the fact he thinks that he has a mate he could still flirt with all the other girls. Does he not understand that it hurts me! I rubbed the spot against my collarbone and felt the pain, the love, every emotion coursed through my body to the one spot.

I just made the worst mistake.

I heard the sharp car horn and looked up at the door. Becky, Rachel, and Austin was here. I got up and grabbed my bags and before I ran quickly down the steps, I took something out of my bag.

Walking out, I saw Becky talking with my parents, probably reassuring them that everything would be find. Rachel was sitting in the front seat of the SUV flipping through cds, I had a feeling that we was going to be listening to her type of music and hers only.

Austin had snuck up beside me and took my luggage and started placing it in the car. Looking around, I didn’t feel like going anymore. Instead I felt like going to John’s house and apologizing. My parents walked over and we said our goodbyes. My mother’s deep blue eyes didn’t want me to go, but she knew this was something I needed to do, and dad… Dad couldn’t stop smiling like the chessrie cat.

Pull out, I tried putting my feelings aside and tried focusing on the things that mattered. I needed to focus on what I need to do to control my wolf, to transform whenever I want, and to worry about The Ginger wolf. Looking out the window, I rolled it down and through the green sparkly dress out.

No point in arguing over what just happened…or immaterial things. I thought.

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