"Okay Ill give this to the team so we can come up with a plan." I said then pressed the buzzer to the I intercom calling for my assistant Patricia.

I looked down at the paperwork, Joselyn came around the desk and sat on my lap. "Anything else 'Mr. boss man."

She said seductively sitting on my lap.

"No And Get Up Joselyn." I said gently pushing her then started to tickle her so she would move

Suddenly the door opened to Patricia my assistant and Joselyn laughter seized to a light chuckle.

Suddenly the door opened to Patricia my assistant and Joselyn laughter seized to a light chuckle

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

She rolled her eyes at Joselyn and picked up the papers then looked at me saying.

"That don't look very cousin like......Don't get yourself and this girl fucked up."

She slammed the door after her leaving Joselyn and I.


We left Dunkin Donuts, somewhat full and Harmony decided to take a picture of me

We left Dunkin Donuts, somewhat full and Harmony decided to take a picture of me

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"You never take decent damn pictures. Got me wasting my storage." She said playfully rolling her eyes.

I replied Whatever then looked at my phone seeing a text from my girl Patricia

Tricia💯: Aye You Need Come Check This "Cousin" because if I do I'm going to lose my job.

Me: Alright Thanks For Letting Me Know

Tricia💯: You Know I Got You.

I got in the car and cranked it up heading to the Warehouse. Stay on yo best behavior Amari, is what I kept saying to myself..


Once we pulled up I greeted everyone and Patricia. We walked to the office to the back that Lucas and I share.

I opened the door to see him on the computer and Joselyn on her laptop sitting on our couch.

"Hey Baby." Said putting on a phony smile to act like Patricia didn't tell me what's up.

I kissed his cheek and put my bag on the table while Harmony greeted Lucas.

"Hey I'm Amari His Girlfriend.....And You Are?" I said extending my hand.

She gently grabbed it and shook it saying. "I'm his cousin, Joselyn from Philly."

I forced a smile and these words to come out. "Nice to Meet You, Your So Pretty."

"On the inside" Harmony Mumbled. I side eyed her trying not to laugh. Joselyn didn't hear her.

"Hey I'm Harmony, Amari Best Friend."

She waved she don't like touching people because that means that they touching her at that same time and she don't like being touched by just anyone.........She's weird, I know you don't have to understand her. I barely do.

As I looked up I saw Lucas looking at me like I was strange. Probably because I being so nice and not ripping her to shreds.


Amari was tripping me out. I saw underneath this perky, nice act she got going on. I know she really wants to argue, yell, and fight but she not. That's very unusual.

"So Lukey Pooh and....Amari The Best Time to break up in that joint is........."

She paused looking down at the computer before speaking.

"8 pm because according to the surveillance the outside security go home at 8 and there's only 1 person guarding outside and 4 people guarding inside on the 2nd floor." She said closing the laptop, then looking at the three of us.

"I fulfilled my purpose so call me when the shin' dig goes down. Nice meeting y'all and Bye Lukey Pooh." She twiddle her fingers going out the door.

"Bye Lukey Pooh." Harmony and Amari mocked her then hysterically laughed as I straight faced us them the whole time

"Why y'all hating bruh?" I said closing my laptop.

"Aint nobody hating on the girl we just.......find it strange how she call you 'Lukey Pooh'." Amari said crossing her legs, now intensively analyzing me.

Harmony Chuckled. " Ion have no type of nickname like that for none of my cousins. They just my nigga, lil ugly dude, or just a shorter version of they name . Lukey Pooh doesn't really sound appropriate in this situation."

"So what you about to do about your trial date in 2 days?" I said disregarding the subject and moving.


I know him too well, he trying to dodge the matter of the situation but I brush it off.

"Well since I'm pr---Working Here Now.... We uh I have more than enough money for bail." Woah Nice Save Amari, Mental High Five

"But wouldn't you want to go in there so you can do the 6 months and then when you fight again you won't get charged for the same crime. I think its Something called Double Jeopardy."

Harmony and I screwed our face at him he making it seem like he want me to be gone for a whole 6 months in a place I could potentially die.

"You bout that dumb yo!" Harmony said getting out of her seat. I stood up as I spoke.

" You Have That Mixed Up, and Why Would You Want Me To Do That. You want me to miss 6 months of our lives together, miss prom, graduation all because you probably hiding something." I rolled my eyes and left before he was able to retaliate.

Ion wanna hear what he has to say. I just wanna turn up tomorrow before I go into court.


I don't honestly want her to go in but......I just need break. If I say I want a break to her she just going to make things difficult.

None of this would've happened if she never came back.

What is he up to?

Was he wrong?

How yall feel about Joselyn?

New Life, Same Problems (EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن