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Hello you guise, I am Monique Gayeta, also known as moniquegayeta but you can just call me “Monique Gayeta.”The poet girl with lame poems is now taking it to the next level with a story to tell,hopefully stories in the future.This is my first time writing a story,to be honest there are a lot of stuffs going on with my head now. This is dedicated to the people who believe I will finish this story and the people who believe in me period.

Love always,

Monique ♥

Enjoy my First and Only written story on Wattpad.☺


They say that the “first” will always be special, the first will never leave, the first always comes back no matter what he/she did to us,no matter who we meet and how long it has been,it comes back,the memories,the feelings and the realizations. It is forever haunting you. Because the first will always have that “spot”, the spot that no matter how much we erase,it never goes away. It’s like a shadow,it’s within us forever.

“People just don’t get it,they never understand. It’s a first love kinda thing. You’ve done the most awful thing on earth and still I’m not over you. I try to look for you in every girl I meet.I hate you but I love you at the same time.”


“Man,we’re seniors already…and still I don’t see you with any other girl..I meant with no girl at all,that’s not even normal for someone with looks. Pare, tell us the truth nga,Are you gay?”

Every girl in the cafeteria stared at our group,to be exact,they were staring at me,waiting for what I have to say. There are really times wherein Paulo just doesn’t know when to shut up. And what’s annoying, just when he was about to say something ridiculous, the crowd suddenly turns into a library setting and listens to his announcement.  I threw him some chips in the face, “Ulol,I’m not Gay…just because I never had a girlfriend,doesn’t make me gay. You have the most stupid theories,you know.” I answered.

Paulo is my best buddy, we’ve known each other since we were like fetuses. Not literally, it just felt like that though. We are three in the group, the other one is Anthony, who transferred school during the last semester of freshmen year, we became close instantly.

My name is Mac by the way,I’m 16 years old and a senior in a private school not that far from where I live,you can actually walk through it if you love walking. It’s 8 minutes away when you walk but 3 minutes when you ride a jeepney. I’m a senior and I’ve never been inlove, not that there are no attractive girls in our school, there are actually lots of them, it’s just… I’m not someone who takes advantage, I respect girls a lot, I know their hardships. I don’t actually hate “love”,it’s just…when I feel it,I would pursue it,I’m just waiting for a sign..for the right girl to come. As cheesy as It may sounds but there are really guys that wait..guys that know when he has met the one. Poor thing girls don’t believe in this nowadays, I mean yes,most of the boys in our generation jerks around, but yes, there are still nice guys,we’re endangered species but we still exist.

“Dre,it’s impossible not to be late..we’re already are,we’ve been late already the last time,now we’re considered absent. Holy shit, we’re failing this subject. My dad’s gonna kick me out of my house.My life is ruined,over and dead.” Said Anthony. Me and Paulo instantly bursted out laughing when we heard him, plus his facial expression. Anthony is the kind of guy which always has a problem, he’s so negative. If you are about to get stuck in a Titanic ship with this guy, there’s no hope for both of you, because to him, you’re about to die and there’s no hope.

“Dre,go chill. It’s film viewing day remember? And we’re incharged into borrowing the movie. We’re excused, go chill.” I told him. He just scratched his head when he realized and said “Ay,oo nga pala.” That’s Anthony, we already know him, too well.

FIRST AND ONLYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon