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(the one with the dress)

"Not that I'm judging you, Gabby, but I still can't believe that you started dancing on a table last Friday", Sophia laughed as Chris hugged her.

"I don't care what you say, I needed that relief." I replied, with a smile on my face.

I really didn't care what everyone said -not even minded that now the whole school knew who I was-, the only thing I cared about was the fact that I said what I needed to say. Whilst drunk, I had texted Zayn and had told him everything I had wanted to yell at him for a long time. That, definitely, was something I wouldn't have been able to say while sober, so, cheers!

Drunk me was, indeed, very wise. She had blocked Zayn's number and had also unfollowed him from all social network and blocked his user. That was cool, really, because now sober me didn't have to worry about him any longer. The Zayn venom had been extracted from my soul.

Moreover, and to Isaiah's advice, I had started writing a song that depicted my feelings. It was really helping me, since now I realized that I wasn't meant to be with Zayn. I never was. He was my love story that wasn't meant to be, which was cool to realize, since now I was going to be open to real people.

And that was another thing: I had to talk to Harry. I had to talk to him and tell him that the plan was off, that I didn't want to be his fake girlfriend anymore. I wanted to end with the poisonous stuff in my life, and whatever was going on between Harry and I was indeed bad for us. Both of us.

"Hey guys", Calum saluted us as he sat on the table. Isaiah and Ashton were following him.

"So...the grades have been posted", Isaiah told everyone with a smile on his face as he sat down.

"Oh my God, Ward!", Luke pronounced, "You were elected valedictorian?"

Isaiah's face changed, but, before he could say anything, everyone started talking.

"I knew you would do it, man!", Michael intervened, "even though you said that you wouldn't make it, I had faith in you".

"Yeah, man, congratulations!", Chris said as he hugged his friend.

I had no idea what was going on.

"I'm not the valedictorian, guys", Isaiah said quickly, "I'm not even close to being so", he sighed, whilst hiding a smile, "Gabrielle is".

At this very moment, everyone turned to look at me. I, yet again, had no idea of what was going on.

"Oh my God!" Sophia screamed, to then hug me tightly, "My friend is a genius!"

"What the hell is going on?", I asked, not returning Sophia's embrace.

"You are valedictorian, which means you have the best GPA in the whole class", Ashton explained.

"What is GPA?", I asked confusedly.

Everyone sighed.

"Grade point average", Luke told me, "So, it means that you have the best grades in the class, congratulations!"

"Which also means", Isaiah smiled, "that you will be giving the commencement speech".

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