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Gaia Weiss as Gabrielle Bonnet ^^^


(the one with the 8)

"Why doesn't she talk?"

Sitting in class, I could hear some voices behind me. I knew that they were referring to me, but I didn't pay attention. I just rolled my eyes and kept writing.

"Gabrielle?" Dr. Jones asked, to which I raised my head.

"Yes?" I looked at her shyly. She just flashed a smile and passed me a paper. It was the essay that I had finished last week. I looked at the big red number that had been written on it.


What did that even mean?

"She got an 8?" The same voices from behind me whispered. Again, they were obviously talking about me.

To be honest, I had never really paid attention to the people in the class. I knew that three guys sat behind me. Two Asian kids, and another one that always stares weirdly at me (like really, he glares at me as if I was his cheating ex-girlfriend.)

"You see, class." I thanked when Dr. Jones pulled me away from my thoughts. "You could think that because Gabrielle just arrived to Hadley two months ago, she'd get the worst grades in the class. However, she is getting the best ones." She smiled again. "Also, she has gotten to school in France, which means that she has learnt everything she knows in French."

And she had to mention that.

I took a sip of my Evian water, knowing that hearing my teacher gush about me wouldn't be exactly nice.

My name is Gabrielle Bonnet and I was born in Reims, France. Nonetheless, my parents' jobs require "international connections". This is why, as soon as I was out of the womb, we moved to England. There, in the small town of Holmes Chapel, in Cheshire, I spent most of my childhood years.

When I was twelve, my parents' businesses needed more attention in France. Therefore, they thought that it would be pertinent to relocate in Paris. It was awesome finally getting to live in a big city; however, moving away from England wasn't easy. Leaving the only friends that I had ever met was the hardest experience of my life.

I stayed in Paris for 5 years. Nevertheless, when I was a semester away of finishing my baccalaureate (AKA my last year of school) , dad got the best job ever.

So I know what you must be thinking: great for him!

And indeed, it was great. But only for him.

Soooooooo, why wouldn't it be great for me?

I know what you might be thinking:

You fucking selfish bitch! You should TOTALLY be happy for your father.

And yeah, indeed, I was happy for him, but I couldn't be happy for myself.

Why is that?

Because this best job ever was in America.

Thanks to dad's best job ever, we would have to move to New York.

So yay, I'm going to NYC!!! (?)


By New York I don't mean cool NYC, but the upper side of the state.

FAKEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें