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Song: Starlight - Taylor Swift


(the one with the flashback)

"I said, "Oh my, what a marvelous tune"

It was the best night, never would forget how he moved.

The whole place was dressed to the nines,

And we were dancing, dancing

Like we're made of starlight

Like we're made of starlight"

I turned around to see how Josh was doing. He didn't seem to be struggling with the beat of the song.

Remembering in what - or better said, in whom - this song had been inspired; I closed my eyes in hopes to relive my experiences of that night.

"I met Bobby on the boardwalk, summer of '45"

"We should get code names." He had said. "I'll be Robert, but you can call me Bobby. Let's pretend to be teenagers in the 40's or 50's. That's when the real deal was on." I still remember him winking at me charmingly. I sure chuckled. I always laughed when I was with him.

"Picked me up late one night out the window,

We were 17 and crazy, running wild, wild"

More like he was 17, but whatever.

"Can't remember what song it was playing when we walked in"

I sure can, it was Usher's 'Without You', but saying it just didn't fit the song's lyrics.

"The night we snuck into a yacht club party

Pretending to be a duchess and a prince."

"We should pretend to be Royals and enter the party, see if they realize." I had kidded, but hadn't realized that he had taken my joke too far away.

"That's not a bad idea." His face had lit up. "I mean, you look like a Princess already." He had spoken and I blushed.

"Nah." I must've shrugged. "I don't want to be a Princess." I had admitted. "I'll be a Duchess. You take the Prince's spot." I could still see the smirk he wore after I had spoken those words.

And yes, it was all true. We had indeed entered that elegant party by faking having Royal titles. We could've gone to jail for our stupid joke, but it was all worth it.

I still remember the place as we walked in. We sure had imagined that it would be a boring place full of boring old socialite people, but Usher was blasting on the speakers.

"That's a sick tune!" I had cheered, but he jokingly shook his head at me and smirked slightly.

"Duchess, please!" He had mocked me. "Mind your vocabulary! Nothing's sick here, it's simply marvelous. A marvelous tune."

"And I said, "Oh my, what a marvelous tune."

It was the best night, never would forget how he moved."

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