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(the one with the lunch buddies)

Harry left the next morning claiming that he had to get back to work. It was understandable though. I knew that he was on a "break", but he still had responsibilities.

I entered English class first period and saw Isaiah sitting on his usual place on the desk behind me. However, this time instead of ignoring him (like I always did), I mouthed him a brief "hello".

He looked up fixing his glasses. I immediately drank his expression. Isaiah was the typical hot nerd. He had perfectly fixed chestnut hair with some deep brown eyes. However - and even though he had the built of a football player - he wore Star Wars shirts and hell! He even owned Star Wars vans!

"Hey" He responded with a smile. "How is it going?"

"Kinda hectic this morning." I spoke sitting on the chair, but turning my gaze to him. "Harry left to London earlier. He has to work."

"Oh." He smiled sadly. "I'm sorry."

I laughed. "You're talking as if he was dead or something. Chill, it's totally fine."

"No, no, no." He smiled back. "I totally didn't mean it like that. It's just that he's your boyfriend and you look more comfortable around him."

"Well, that's because I'm new and not exactly the most outgoing person around." I kidded, but actually meaning it. In that moment, Isaiah's Asian friend took his place next to him. He looked at us, as if trying to decipher why in the hell world were we talking to each other.

"Well, that's just fine, you know? It's always hard making friends." He smiled sympathetically and I silently thanked that he didn't bother to notice his friend giving us dirty looks.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"But hey!" He shook his head. "You have me now, and Chris! I know that we aren't quite the One Direction crew, but we can be funny. Sometimes. Chris gets tiring after a while though."

"Well, you are funny, sir." I cracked out. "And thanks. It really means a lot." It really did.

"Don't worry." He smiled again. His teeth were flawless. "You should sit with us at lunch, so we can get to know each other better."

"Sure." I replied as the bell rang.

"Dank!" He responded. "I'll wait for you outside your class." He thought for a second. "Wait, what class do you have third period, before lunch."

"AP Calc." I spoke.

"Mr. Hawke?" He asked, to which I nodded. "Great, I have with him fourth, I know where his class is. I'll pick you up from there, so I can show you where we eat."

"Alright." I smiled as Dr. Jones made her way inside the classroom.

"Alright." He smiled back. "Dank." He said and looked at the teacher, a smile still plastered onto his face.

"Yeah, dank." I finalized and turned around.


It occurred to me that I hadn't quite appreciated how fucking hot Isaiah was until we were walking across the hallways and half of the school's female population turned around to see him walk by.

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