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It's been almost three months since I first regained some of my memories. It's been rough but worth it.

I've gained small things from my memories like my favorite color is blue and I love shrimp. Sadly no big things like if I have siblings or who my mother and father are. Only small things about my self.

In the first month of everyone's training I was sent to a friend of gramps. Porlyusica was hard on me but I know she meant well. It took a bit for her to agree to help me at first. She was a great teacher though, along with Makarov's help and guidance as well occasionally. I was stronger magically now. During the day in direct sunlight it used to drain my magic so much you couldn't even tell I was a mage. Now, however, it didn't completely zap me of my magic.

I wasn't nearly as strong as those in the Tenrou island team but I could hold my own with some of the other members of Fairy Tail. Hypothetically that is. I haven't actually sparred with anyone since I still wasn't sure about my magic yet. Hard to use something when you don't even know what it is.

But by the end of the first month I was confident in my self. I was even taught basic hand to hand combat to hold my own till I figured out my magic. I wouldn't have to rely completely on someone else to protect me if something happened.

Sadly by the second month there wasn't anything else Porlyusica could do to help me grown and improve. So I moved on to the next task.

In the second month my time was consumed by a lot of learning and skill building. Everyone who wasn't out training helped teach me everything one would need to know to survive. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, anything and everything I would need to know they taught me.

Half way through the second month Makarov had me studying magic. He said it was so I could easily access and identify magic when I saw it so I would both know what to expect and how to protect my self and counterattack.

Even though it was never mentioned I knew he also had me studying to see if more memories resurfaced. To see if maybe I could remember what my magic was by learning about different types of magic.

This magic studying carried into the third month when I was being sent out on small jobs with other guild members. Usually I teamed up with Alzack and Bisca since they were decently strong enough to help if I got in trouble and they didn't take too hard of jobs. Which made complete sense. They couldn't stay away for too long on certain missions. They had their little girl, Asuka, who was waiting for them to return home.

During the third month while on a mission in Hargeon was when I met a very peculiar woman. I had been out exploring while Alzack and Bisca dealt with some business. Sense it wasn't really important they said I could go explore the port city.

In my exploration of the city is where I met said woman. I had found my self in a beautiful park in the city with a large fountain in the middle. The air was crisp and salty from being so close to the ocean. It was relaxing with a nice calm breeze. I had my hood down that day as well which isn't common for me.

In this park was where I met her. She was laying on a wooden bench with one leg pulled up over the back on the bench and one arm hanging off the front laying partially against the ground. Her other arm was flopped over her stomach that was slightly exposed from her raised lavender shirt.

Her hair was fanned out in a mess around her tilted head. I could clearly see that the right side of her head was shaved down extremely short but not to the point that there was no hair. Her hair was similar in color to Wendy's but it was a deeper blue that was slightly darker at the roots. The shaved part and a few small chunks of her hair were pitch black though.

Sweet DesireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang