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Whispers... Dark little words filled my mind for so long, I've lost track of how long it's been... The things they said... So many horrible things... Dark words swirled around in the darkness I was surrounded by... I've known only these dark things for so.... so long...

After awhile new voices appeared. They weren't like the dark whispers... They sounded angered, determined... What was happening... Outside of this darkness... I felt nothing. My emotions were gone. My nerves were long shot. I was numb through and through... Cold... Cold and numb... I stayed relaxed in the darkness for a while till I hear a loud crack.

What was that...?

I opened my eyes slowly looking up at the darkness above me to see a large crack going through it.... like broken glass... I reached a hand up as if to touch it as more voices came through. Words were not heard, only the voice it's self. As if it were in another language... I dropped my arm back down into the darkness beside me and closed my eyes again.


My eyes opened to see the crack grow, small chunks of the darkness fell away slowly as light seeped in... Wetness rolled down my cheeks as I saw the light for the first time in so long. I held a hand up as it was enveloped in the light. My eyes slowly widened at the warmth... So warm.... The darkness danced around the edges of light as more and more streams of light penetrated the dark....

I watched... Voices yell at me even though they weren't distinguishable. The dark whispers went chaotic, screeching in my ears. They were frantic, like the light was a bad thing.... but... how could something so warm... Be so bad...?

The light changed from a cool blue color to a bright orange and red.... Beautiful.... Hot.... So hot... Why was this so hot...? I moved over to where the largest hole was in the darkness was and looked out. I saw a boy... No, a young man. His face was twisted in anger and determination. His skin was a sun kissed tan, spiky salmon hair stood upon his head. His eyes were dark, but light up in a burning flame of rage.


So many flames clung to the man with out hurting him.... He moved his hands as what looked like scales formed on his skin as a wave of heat came off of him and cracked the darkness even more. His lips moved and for the first time, in so so long.... I heard words.... Not the dark whispers anymore. I heard HIM. His words.... Another persons words.... The wetness dripped down my face again as I watched the flames transform around him as he spoke those words.

"Dragon slayers secret art, Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!" He yelled as the flames twirled towards the dark shell I was in. My eyes widened as the beautiful, warm light hit me, completely dissolving all of the darkness and incasing me in his burning flames... Even as everything went black, it wasn't the darkness. It was warm... like how sleep felt so so long ago.... And for once... I felt... After so long I finally felt again...


Whispers surrounded me... Not the dark whispers though... I cracked my eyes open as light flooded into my vision.

"Hey she is waking up! Someone get gramps!" Yelled a familiar voice.... It was him. The one I heard in the darkness.

The blinding light finally faded into colors, then to pictures. It was weird seeing again... so weird... I looked around where I was. I was on a bed I think.... The room was small, slightly run down... A small table was to the side of the bed along with a chair. I looked over to the door way to see the back of him. His hair was spiked up as he leaned out the door yelling. His shoulder was exposed showing off a red mark... It was strange yet familiar... I've seen marks like them before but it was so, so long ago...

Sweet DesireHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin