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My eye twitched in annoyance. It was the only sign on my blank face of any emotions. Mira was grinning happily with Wendy next to her smiling as well.

I took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry but no." I looked down at the tight crop top and short shorts I was currently wearing. I could feel the sun soaking into my pale skin draining my little amounts of magical energy. I was showing much more skin than what was covered. It was cute I guess but it just didn't feel like me.

I looked at the dress I had already rejected since I would constantly be wearing my cloak. There was one outfit left laid out but it was the one kinda pushed to the side and not very girlie.

"May I try those on?" I pointed at the dark cloths. Mira smiled fondly and nodded. She and Wendy stepped out of the room as I changed.

I quickly discarded the cloths I was wearing and neatly folded them up. I set them in a pile on the bed before going to the cloths I was to try on now.

I first pulled on the dark gray jeans. Straps connected to the waist band hung down around my thighs and crossed in the back. They weren't too tight but weren't baggy either. They hugged my legs perfectly. Next I pulled the shirt on. In was a tank top that had the strings cross over the chest and wrapped around my neck. It shows some cleavage but not much. The material of the shirt hugged my torso tightly like a second skin and tucked down into the pants.

I moved around a bit testing out how the cloths fit on me before calling the two waiting girls to come in.

"Oh it looks great on you! I'm glad they fit." Mira cheered happily as she looked me over. "It just fits you in a way."

"I agree. Can we see it with your cloak on?" Wendy asked holding my folded up cloak out to me.

I nodded and put it on leaving the front of the soft cloak open revealing the cloths I was wearing. I left the hood down letting it pool on my shoulders. I looked down at my bare feet. I have been using a pair of sandals from Mira but other than that I didn't have shoes.

"I need shoes..." I said pointing at my feet. A light seemed to go off in Mira's head as she gasped and took off. Wendy and I watched her leave. Guess we will wait for her to come back.

"You look great Desire. Especially now that all the bandages are off now." Wendy smiled and sat on the bed. I sat beside her looking at my bare feet as I kicked them lightly.

"Thank you Wendy." She gave me a warm smile.

We drifted into silence just simply enjoying each other's company. I watched the younger female from the corner of my eye observing her. She was smiling and humming slightly to her self. She wore a cute little dress and matching shoes. I bet Carla helped her get dressed. The cat does seem more like a caretaker for the girl than just her cat. Her silky hair was pulled up in its usual pigtails.... I wonder...

I reached out to gently run my fingers through her pig tails. Her hair was so silky soft, just like it looks. It felt so healthy and clean. Wendy watched me as I twirled a strand of her hair around my fingers.

"You're hair is so soft..." I spoke quietly as I released her hair from my fingers. "Sorry, it looks so silky smooth I had to see if it really was."

Wendy smiled up at me. "It's okay. I don't mind. You're very gentle, I hardly noticed you touching my hair." Wendy turned towards me kneeling on the bed so she was closer to my height. "Can I touch your hair? It looks soft too."

I nodded and watched as Wendy ran her small hands through my hair. She really seemed to be interesting in the silvery blonde streak of hair in front of my face. From what I'm told it's the only part that doesn't match my dark maroon hair. I wouldn't know for sure though. I haven't actually seen my self yet.

"It's so smooth and soft too." Wendy moved back and smiled big at me. I nodded softening my gaze at the girl. It was the closest thing to a smile I could give to the smiling girl.

"Thank you."

We lapsed back into silence again waiting for Mira.

I really liked it here at fairy tail. Everyone is so nice. I remember the other day when I was talking to Mira she kinda told me about what happen to the guild. How most of the people here were trapped on an island for seven years. She told me all she could, mostly about the things team Natsu did. Now that I think of it she really seemed to tell me a lot about Natsu... Wonder why.

She also kind of taught me about this world. There was so much I didn't know. In certain situations I knew what to say even though I didn't know what they were. Slowly Mira, along with Natsu, Gray, and a few others in the guild, have been teaching me things. I had basic knowledge of a variety of things. I however had no experiences with most of the things I was told about, like transportation for an example.

"Okay I'm back! I have the perfect boots for you!" Mira cheered pushing two black combat boots into my arms and a pair of socks. "They should fit fine."

I nodded and pulled the socks onto my feet before pulling the black lace up boots. They were surprisingly comfortable and heavy. They stopped about mid calf and covered my jeans some.

"I like them." I said touching the leather of the boots. "They're comfortable."

"I'm glad you like them. Now come on, let go down stairs and show everyone!" Mira grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the bed. I stumbled slightly as she dragged me down the stairs with Wendy behind us giggling.

Once we got to the bottom of the stairs Mira straightened out my hair and cloak before pushing me in front of her. "The new and improved Desire!"

I looked around to see nearly everyone in the guild was watching us from the fuss Mira made. Happy quickly flew over and into my chest hugging me. I stumbled back a step from the impact of the blue cat. I lightly wrapped my arms around his small body and lightly pat his head.

I felt a twitch in my cheek before a warmth flooded them. I blinked and touched my cheeks confused. It feels like yesterday...

Mira giggled as she watched me. I tilted my head slightly, a habit I kind of developed to show I didn't understand. "It's fine. You're just blushing." I blinked wide eyed and I put my hand back down on Happy's head. I scratched behind his ear as I talked with Mira.

"What's blushing?" I asked. I swear I heard a few awes from the people watching. I glanced over confused at them before looking back to Mira.

"Uh, well... It's usually what happens when you are embarrassed or flattered. It happened when the blood rushes to your cheeks making them red." Mira explained with a giggle. I nodded kind of understanding.

I looked down at Happy who was smiling up at me. I tilted my head slightly again. "You look very pretty, Desire." The warmth in my cheeks grew. I gently scratched behind his ear again and nodded my head.

"Thank you Happy." Happy snuggled back into my chest as team Natsu came up to me. Everyone seemed to be smiling at me, or grinning in Natsu's case.

"You look so nice." Said Lucy as she looked me over. "You kind of look perfect with a cat in your arms as well."

"She does. It just fits some how." Gray smiled. He clapped his hand on my shoulder. "You look nice. It really fits you."

"Thank you."

"I have to agree. They are perfect for you." Erza smiled crossing her arms over her armor covered chest. I nodded my thanks to her as Natsu slung his arm over my shoulder.

I looked up at his grinning face. He didn't say anything like the others but he just grinned. I knew what he meant. My gaze softened as I nodded to him. "Thank you everyone. I appreciate it. I wish I could see my self though." I frowned slightly.

I swear a light bulb went off over Lucy's head as she grabbed my hand. "There is a mirror in my house! Why don't we go so you can finally see your self?"

My heart seemed to skip a beat as nervousness coursed through my veins. I nodded as excitement flooded my insides washing away the nervousness. "I would love that, Lucy. Please take me to your home."

A/N: yay total bullshit filler chapter. Yeah! Lol anyways I hope you enjoyed this. Comment, Vote, and Follow if you like and HAVE A GOOD DAY!

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