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Darkness surrounded me as I floated in nothingness. Where was I? Am I still trapped? Was all of that just a dream...? A sinking feeling filled my chest as I frantically looked around the darkness. I don't hear the whispers. I don't feel completely numb...

"Desire..." A chilling voice called through the dark. Large blackened hands reached out to me, the fingers curved like claws. I tried to back away. Why can't I move?

Why is this happening?

"Desire... You cannot escape me." The voice called to me again. I opened my mouth and let out a silent scream thrashing around as the clawed hands grabbed onto my body. The bones in my body snapped as the hands crushed me. I spat blood up as my internal organs burst and ruptured next as the hands squeezed me more. "You belong to me~"


I sat up quickly shrieking out. I panted shaking as I hugged my self and frantically looked around in panic. Where am I? The couch I was laying on and the hammock next to it along with all the things in the small house came into focus. Happy was looking at me in fright and worry as he stood by my feet. Natsu sat on the ground next to me, his hand on my shoulder.

"Desire? It's okay. You're safe." His soft words brought my attention to the male crouching beside me. His eyes held worry, his lips pulled down into a frown. "You were thrashing around in your sleep. It looked like you were trying to scream but you couldn't." I slowed my breathing trying to calm back down.

"Thank you Natsu. It was just a bad dream." I shuddered as the dull ache from the dream filled my bones as a chill went down my spine. That disturbing voice played in my head again.

"I'm just glad you're alright. Had us worried there." Natsu sat cross legged beside me leaning in. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yes I am fine. Just shaken... I haven't had a bad dream before." I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "What time is it? It seems like it's early morning."

"Yes the sun just came up. The guild should be open by now. You hungry?" Natsu stood up and grabbed a change of cloths. I didn't notice he was only in a tank top and shorts.

"Oh uh, sure. I could go for food." I nodded sitting up on the couch. Happy sat beside me nibbling on a fish just watching us. Natsu nodded and walked off to the bathroom to change.

I looked around before I put my cloak back on. I sighed in content as I was hidden from the world once again. I stretched and yawned softly as I stood up. "Where ya goin'?" Happy asked with a mouth full of fish.

"I going to sit outside. I need some air." Happy nodded as I left the small house. The crisp morning air greeted me as I stepped out side. The area was truly beautiful. The lush green plants to the large trees. I walked up to a near by tree and leaned against it. I leaned my head back looking up at the sky as a few clouds drifted by. I took a deep breath and sighed.

What was that dream? Why did the voice seem so familiar? Why did it all feel so... So real?

I need to find out who and what I am. Something doesn't feel right. Deep, deep inside something isn't right with me. But what could be wrong? Is it my magic? Is it an after effect of whatever I was under? It couldn't be health related because Wendy would of found something... Right?

The door creeped open and Natsu came out in fresh cloths and his scarf around his neck. Happy flew above his head. Natsu gave me one of his large grins as he walked over. "Ready?" I nodded and Natsu lead the way towards the guild.


I poked at the egg on the plate in front of me. The squishy white and yellow egg wiggles slightly as I poked at it.

Sweet DesireWhere stories live. Discover now