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"I don't know how to smile."

Silence. Nothing but pure silence. Not even a little whisper, every one was stunned into silence. Everyone just looked at me. I looked around confused.


The guild doors opened and Gray walked in looking at something he had in his hand. "Hey I'm back. Why is it so quiet in here?" He looked up with a slight frown looking around. Lucy spoke up looking to Gray. "She doesn't know how to smile..."

"Who?" Gray asked. Lucy pointed to me and Gray's eyes met mine. "Desire?" He questioned walking over. I nodded watching him.

"Yes. I don't know how to smile. Or laugh..." I frowned slightly. "Or how to feel. I have no memory or anything except my name and that I'm a Mage." I said laying my hands in my lap.

"Damn that sucks... Well I guess we have no choice..." Gray said setting a small box on the table beside me. "We have to help you learn. Help you make memories and if possible recover your old ones." He gave me a big grin and everyone cheered.

After everyone calmed down they were all talking again. Most were discussing ways to make me smile. Others where just talking to talk. Gray handed me the box with a smile.

"Here. Got it for you. Since the last one got ruined in our fight. It's not exactly like the other one though." I nodded opening the box. I pulled out a soft, black material. I let the material unfold as I held it up.

It was beautiful.

It was a pitch black cloak like the one Natsu said I wore in their fight. It had silver trimming and a sliver band around the head part. It was very beautiful and so soft.

A spark of warmth flared inside of me and disappeared just and quickly as it came. What was that feeling...? It was the same as last time... I touched my chest. Was something wrong? Did Wendy miss something?

"You okay?" Natsu asked leaning in. I nodded and stood up. I put the cloak on quickly letting the soft material hide me away inside of its soft folds. It completely covered my body and part of my face though I could still see fine out of it. I felt a sudden strength flood into my veins now that I was covered. Freed glanced up at me when this happened.

"I'm perfectly fine. Thank you Gray, this helps a lot." I nodded to him and he smiled.

"I can feel it now." Freed said crossing his arms. "Your magic energy. It's stronger now." I nodded again. He was right. I wasn't in direct sunlight now so it wouldn't weaken me. "I'm interested how strong you will be once it's night time." Freed said.

"Night time?" Gray asked confused.

"Oh yeah you missed it. We found out why she was so strong when we fought her. Her magic ties in with the moon! How cool is that!?" Natsu said loudly and laughed. I nodded as Gray looked at me, confirming what Natsu had just said.

"It's true. When in the moonlight I get stronger. However when in sunlight it weakens me to the point you couldn't even tell I was a Mage." I said with a blank face.

"Huh that's strange but cool." Gray said smiling at me. I nodded and studied his smile. His was different than Natsu's smile. Gray had a kinda smirk like smile where Natsu had a very warm grin like smile....

"So what's your magic called?" Gray said bringing me back from my thoughts.

"I... Do not know... I know it's old... Maybe a forgotten magic... I don't know.... I can... Well not exactly remember but more like I know... Like how you naturally know how to breath. I can feel my magic inside of me as well as others. I just don't know what they are called however..."

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