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Currently we were all here in Crocus, the capital of Fiore, the city of flowers. It was beautiful and absolutely huge.

You see once we got back to the guild gramps had decided who would be representing Fairy Tail in the games. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, and Wendy were chosen, much to Juvia and Elfman's dismay. But the decision was final. Soon after we all left Magnolia to come to Crocus.

When we had arrived gramps went to do the registering and getting everyone a place to stay, which was the honeybone inn. After a small discussion of the rules everyone took off to do what ever. Gray was just walking around being followed by Juvia. Wendy and Carla went site seeing. Natsu, Happy, and Lucy ran off to do whatever. Erza went to the inn along with most of the guild to get settled in.

Then there was me. I was wandering around the street admiring all the beautiful flowers when a familiar head of blue hair popped up in my vision. She wore her jacket and a similar lavender shirt but today she had on short shorts and what looked like tennis shoes showing off the curves of her legs.

By now it was starting to get dark so I'm surprised I even noticed the woman who was looking around. But it would be hard to miss her blue hair anywhere honestly. After a moment of debating I approached her.

"Damn it I don't wanna miss this..." She mumbled as I lightly taped her arm. The woman nearly jumped out of her skin as she whirled around to face me. "Holy shit it's just you Desire. Damn you scared me."

"Hello again and sorry for startling you." The woman waved me off before putting her arm over my shoulders pulling me along with her. Where was she taking me?

"Hey it's fine. You don't mind if I steal you for a bit do ya?" I opened my mouth to reply but she cut me off before I could. "Great. Now you and I are gonna go watch a little scuffle m'kay?"

I stuttered as the woman dragged me along various streets and alleyways till we ended up under a bridge looking down into a courtyard that had people crowded around in a ring. In the center of the ring was two males, one blond in odd clothing and one with dark hair covering his face and a cloak, with two cats, Happy, Lucy, and a pissed looking Natsu.

I could see them speaking but from the chatter of the crowd I couldn't even hear them, even with my somewhat heightened senses. Slowly the crowd faded as the unfamiliar group started to walk away leaving Lucy to hold Natsu back.

"What were they saying?" I whispered to the woman who was grinning watching the scene in front of us.

She lightly squeezed my shoulder with a content sigh. "Pretty much Sting, the arrogant blond, and Rogue, the little wannabe Gajeel, insulted all of Fairy Tail and the dragon slayers. Intense moodiness. I'll beat you and show whose better in the games if you can even make it in. Blah blah blah." She pulled me away from the scene in the direction of the pair and their cats had gone. "Pretty much they were being dicks just to be dicks."

"That's... an interesting way to put it." I shook my head as the woman laughed looking back at the area behind us where Lucy was pulling Natsu away. "By the way you never really game me your name. Just the Traveler." I looked up at the woman with her arm over my shoulder.

"Eh, just call me Trav." She shrugged leading me down a street next to some water, I wouldn't call it a river since it wasn't really big enough. "But you call me baby, shnookums, love muffin, cutie pie, sweet cheeks, or darlin' if you would prefer. Take your pick." Trav winked suggestively at me in a playfully attempt at flirting with a light caress of my cheek with her free hand.

"Trav is fine."

"I thought so." She laughed again leading me to a bridge that crossed the water. "Now you shouldn't be too far away from the inn so it won't be too far of a walk but stay here for now please. I'll be right back."

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