AP: Kidomaru Smith

Start from the beginning

me: im lying but it is good to know that you would apologize

Spider-Man: guess its good to know that you are a liar

me: dont be so dramatic. i was just messing with you

Spider-Man: i know. so ill ask again, whats up with you?

me: nm. just searching for guys to talk to. then i saw your message and thought 'wow. he might not be a psychopath' and here we are.

Spider-Man: ya know, i said the same thing. i got five messages when i first started and all were from old guys who wanted me to give em a bj

me: you do look like you give good bj's

Spider-Man: hey, lets keep this PG, ok? i really want to believe that you arent just trying to have sex with me

me: i completely agree. i was just pointing it out

Spider-Man: whatever man. i aint got time for no dude who just wanna see me naked

wow. didnt think id be the one who was seen that way.

me: cant say i dont know the feeling. i was the same way, except i got like 34 messages but who is counting?

i had to try and lighten the mood or else id lose the one human on this site.

Spider-Man: good. that means you have plenty of other people to talk to. bye

wait, what? no! i wanted to keep talking to him.

me: im sorry. im not really an arrogant douchebag

he didnt respond.

me: hello?

the green light said he was still online.

me: the cold shoulder?

i pouted. i didnt think id scare him away like that. i kinda feel like an asshole. i didnt think i said anything bad but....all i can really do is try my best to earn forgiveness, at least until he blocks me.

me: look man, ill be honest with you. its a front. huge front. alot easier to pretend to be someone different when im online where i can deny it cause its under a different name. i talk a big game but i dont have near as much confidence as i might lead on. i talk like i might be an ex porn star when in actuality....im a virgin. point is, im a real guy trying to look good for a stranger. im sorry for sounding like an idiot.

i sighed. i honestly didnt expect to tell him all that but....well yeah. still dont know why i told a complete stranger that. guess i was just embarrassed. i dont know. i just moved on.

later on that night....

i pulled into the parking lot of sasuke's job. he moved around and hopped in. i took us home. ill be honest, i was really bummed. i haven't found another guy since Spider-Man to talk to. everyone else is the same. loads of fuck me messages and a few nudes every few minutes. i was really not looking forward to paying sasuke 300 bucks but things arent looking good. i guess ill just have to wait. i do have a week or so before school starts. hopefully ill be able to lose it in time.

i had woken up in the middle of the night, getting the sudden urge to use the bathroom. i shouldn't have drank that huge bottle of juice before hitting the hay. i saw that i had more notifications. i didnt expect anything and who doesnt like stuff to read while using it? i picked up my cell and headed in the bathroom. i wiped it out and started pissing as i read the new messages from grindr. well....this is unexpected.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now