chapter 46

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later on that night....

juugo pov



Hello! is this a mr Shino Aburame?

y-yes. who...who is this?

This is Juugo Taka of J. T. and Associates law and venture capitalist company. im sure you are wondering why im calling so ill just get straight to the point. its came to my attention that you had to leave konoha university because of some issues with the financial aid. is that correct?

yeah. they cut my financial aid down to a 1/3 of the original. i dont know what happened. i was fortunate that my parents were moving out the country and i was able to get into a cheaper college

i see, i see. does that cheaper college have the particular major you wanted? its some community college. they didnt have one that was even close to it. im in my first semester of a whole new major

i see. well...that is quite unfortunate. the reason you were brought to my attention is because i was going through the files for konoha university and stumbled upon your particular situation. now, if im not mistaken, you had to leave when you were about to enter into your last semester, right?

yeah. i was one semester from getting my fucking degree when they started talking shit

ok! well then i do believe i can help you. i dont want those three and a half years to go to waste. what i would like to do is fly you back over to fire city for the weekend and discuss some details about getting you back in to school here. dont worry, i will gladly cover your remaining tuition, books, supplies, as well as living expense for your time here over the weekend and while you attend the university if you wish to finish your degree. how does that sound to you?

that....that sounds too good to be true. what is your angle? how are you benefiting from helping me?

you are a smart man, mr aburame. a smart man indeed. unfortunately, your situation is surprisingly common among those who had to leave konoha u recently. i would like to use you as an example in turning that particular trend around before it becomes a big deal, if you get what im saying. id hate to lose more good students because of a discrepancy with their financial aid. that....and your situation was just to heartbreaking. for someone so close to a degree, all that time would go to waste. i actually want to help you.

(laughing) wow do you sound generic. im surprised i didnt hear the 'this call my be recorded' message before you started talking

well i am a professional. i have an image to up hold. id like you to fly over here say....hmm...would you be able to leave now? i can actually purchase your ticket right from where im at

shit...yeah. im not really doin anything and im on break from school. i can come

excellent. ive purchased the ticket and emailed you the receipt. just head on over to the airport immediately. show the attendant at the front desk your recipe to get on board. pack lightly as you will only be here for about three days this time. enjoy all the amenities. do you have any questions?

can you send me a pic so i know who im talking too?

already did. ill actually be the one to come and get you from the airport so you will need to recognize me. any other questions?

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