AP: Obito (Pt 3)

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kakashi pov

i sighed. i walked into my last class for the day. i looked around. i let out a breath of relief. looks like he is only in my mon, wed, fri English lit class. that's good. i wrote my name on the board and turned to face the class. "im kakashi hatake. this is sophomore calculus. is there anyone who isn't susposed to be here?" i asked. a hand went up. i looked to see a rather good looking guy who had half his face burned severely and it scarred up. half his face was a light red but strangely made him more appealing. "im a senior and i know im susposed to have a calculus class. could you check and see if im on the list?" he asked. i nodded and pulled out my list. "whats your name?" "its obito. obito uchiha," he said. i searched and i found it on my list. "it looks like this is the right class, mr uchiha. you are all good," i said. he nodded.

it was just after i finished the lesson for the day. i had passed out a test. "i know its a bummer that you guys get a test on the first day but dont worry. this is a test to see where you are at right now. do your best. go ahead and start," i said. roughly ten minutes before the first one was done. it was obito. he grabbed his bag and carried the paper up to the front desk where i was and placed it face down. the back of the sheet was covered with writing. i smiled. someone shows alot of work. he started out the door. "shit!" he came back to my desk. "mr hatake....do you happen to know of a guy named john?" he asked. i was confused by the question. "he is in one of my classes. why?" i asked, an air of suspicion. something about this man struck something with me. everything in my body told me to be wary of him. he chuckled. "its nothing to be alarmed about, mr hatake. i had ran into him at the library, literally actually. exchanged casual conversation. nothing deep or anything. seemed like a good guy. it was when he left that i noticed that he dropped three hundred bucks on the floor...." my eyes widened,"....yeah, i know right? ive been trying to find him ever since but you know what they say, when ya looking for something, you will never find it," he shrugged. oh.....shit. now i kinda feel like an asshole for thinking that about the guy. "well that isn't good at all. i do happen to know john. he is in my English lit class. its monday, Wednesday, and friday in this building, room 201. 10 am to 11:30 am. im sure if you stop by sometime during that time, you will run into him again," i said with a smile. "thanks, mr hatake! see ya next week," he waved and was out the door. what a nice guy. i wish there were more people like him in the world.

the next day....

reader pov

no matter how we tried to get over it, it was still awkward between us. ever since that day, kiba has been distant. still steals glances frequently during class. ill admit i was a bit bummed about the whole thing. im tired of the awkward situation between me and him.

"kiba!" i called after him. he was out the class quicker than anything else. he looked back as i caught up to him. "kiba...im tired of this awkwardness. i dont want this to carry on all semester. tell me what is going on," i said. he was way to easy to say i love you. that is never good. im a person who cares about other people. he is vulnerable to all types of shit. "its nothing," he grunted, turning to walk away. i grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "kiba....im worried. falling in love like that...that's never good. id hate to see you fall in love with the wrong person and end up miserable for the rest of your life. tell me how you are feeling," i said. he sighed. "well...what happened was--" "kiba come on!! we gonna be late for practice!" both our heads snapped to naruto who was waving for kiba. he sighed again. "just....dont worry about me, john. im fine. im over it. i dont know what i was thinking. i...i gotta go. ill see you friday," he said before taking off running. guess ill never get to the bottom of that. i just headed to class.

i was surprised by the face i saw when i finally got to kakashi's class. he was leaned against the doorway. looked up as i was approaching. "honestly didnt think id see you ever again," i said, pausing. he chuckled. "ya gotta admit, we have a lot in common. dont worry, i was just stalking you. its no big deal," he said, a grin crossing his face. "what? well ill be damned. you were this close to getting the d and you are on stalking level? mind blown," i thought it was just kiba being weird. apparently i have that affect on people. he busted out laughing. "im just messing with you. i ended up chatting with kakashi, who teaches my calculus class, and he just couldn't stop talking about some guy. i asked who and was surprised by the name. figured we could....hang out? cant say i have a lot of friends," he scratched his head nervously. "you are a part of a frat," i deadpanned. "yeah but the guys are acting like im not even part of it. i dont get invited to any of the parties or the outings or anything. besides that....well me and you were vibing pretty well, ya know, before the thing," he said, a light blush coming over his cheeks. i had to admit we were vibing pretty well. hmm....he might know something about kiba. might be able to get some insight on him. "sounds cool to me. i do have a question though," i said. he shrugged. "me and kiba sorta....messed around not to long ago..." his eyes widened,"....i know right? i didnt think he was gay either but anyway. after we finished, he was talking about loving me. naturally i was like naw bro. that was just sex. figured it would start with sex then maybe turn into something else. im just wondering....how that came to be. i tried to talk to him about it earlier but he had to go," i said. he busted out laughing. "oh that's funny. you had sex with kiba too?" i nodded. "oh that's too much. i did too, once upon a time ago, and he was the same way. i dont know what is wrong with that guy. i swear if you look at him long enough, he will wanna get married. he sexy as fuck but i cant deal with that strong L-word this early in the game," he said, scratching his head. i let out a sigh of relief. i honestly thought it was just me being crazy. "well i gotta head to class now. how about we meet up later?" i offered. "sounds good. meet me a the frat house. shit ton of parties that i dont want to go to alone," he said. i nodded. a wave and he was off.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now