chapter 35

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2 days later...

Karin pov

uuhhhggg!! this is too much. this city is too fucking big. there are way to many people. so many places they could be. places they couldn't be. one thing that threw me off is that there seems to be a lot of homosexuals in this city. or at least they seem to congregate in this particular grocery store. i really wish they wouldn't just make out in public. no, i have nothing against homosexuals, im just saying. a peck or holding hands or soft core stuff like that is fine, just like with straight couples, but they shouldn't be trying to stick their tongues down each other's throats right next to the fish section. its weird and inappropriate. ok. maybe i do have a thing against homos right now. i mean...a homo is trying to steal my husband right now so ill admit i do bear some resentment against that particular lifestyle. you cant be all mad cause i do have a good reason. ok. i need to stop trying to justifying my resentment. its awful and i should just stop. i pushed my cart down the seasonings aisle and grabbed some cinnamon. im gonna make a pie to shovel in my face in a futile attempt to drown my sorrows. ive been here two days and i dont feel any closer to finding him, or his man for that matter. i looked around the aisle for the allspice when i spotted what looked to be another gay couple. they were making out right in the middle of the aisle.

i cleared my throat. they pulled away and looked at me, a dark blush on both of their cheeks. "i understand you guys are all in love and stuff but would you mind handing me the allspice behind you?" i asked. the man with the brown ponytail and scar across the center of his face turned and started looking through the spices behind him. he grunted in frustration. the older man with the black beard he was with started grumbling to him. "! gotta look a little further....reach back there, iruka. i know you flexible enough..." grumbled the older man. i sighed. "its on the bottom shelf in the front," i pointed out. the younger man bent down really low without bending his knees as he reached for it. the older man just stood back, admiring the view with a smirk. i sighed. looks like men are always the same whether they are gay or straight. the younger man looked for a bit longer before taking out a bottle of the spice. he walked over and handed it to me. "thank you. now...." i pulled him a bit closer to whisper in his ear,"...if you really wanna get his attention, you wanna wiggle the ass a little. it may not seem like much but trust me, you will see the difference in the bedroom," i winked. he chuckled. "thanks for the tip, Ms-" he held out a hand. i took it," Mrs. Karin Taka. any way i can help, mr-" he chuckled." Iruka Umino. that's my husband Asuma Sarutobi. his eyes have been wandering and i had to show him what he was missing," he winked at me. "tsk...i know the feeling. im actually in this city right now cause my husband's wandering eyes have gotten the best of him," i said. another chuckle. "hey! we need to head back to the house, babe. i still need to pack for the business trip," the older man dubbed Asuma called. he chuckled. "apparently i have to go. thanks again, Mrs Taka," he waved as he walked away. i sighed. i wish it were that easy to get my husband back. im a bit envious of them. i continued shopping.

after shopping a bit, i had headed towards the front of the store. i was passing through the bread aisle when i spotted a head of orange hair across the way in the bakery section. i glanced around the corner. sure enough, it was my husband with a grimace on his face. he was looking away from someone who was talking. a closer look revealed a younger man, early 20's, and quite the looker. might be a model on the low. i dont know. i must say, juugo does have great taste. i would be more insulted if the guy he was with now was super ugly but what eves. what matters now is that he is walking towards the dairy aisle hand in hand with MY husband and that is just not ok. i fixed my composure.

reader pov

"why did we have to come to the grocery store? you could have ordered it and had it delivered to the penthouse," he grunted for the umpteenth time. "why are you so against going out with me, juugo? first you keep me basically locked up in the house for the last two days without telling me why and now you act like you are ashamed of me in public. do you know how sexy i am? do you know how sexy you are? we look hot together, im just saying," i grunted. i dont know what is going on with him. he wants me to start going to school online. i had a hard enough time trying to get him to let me go when i would leave for school. i sighed. i guess he is going through a clingy phase. i dont know. i pulled him over to the dairy section. im running dangerously low on yogurt and that's not ok. i let go of his hand to reach inside of the fridge to grab some Yoplait. i picked up a nice pack.

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