chapter 50

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yeah...just as beautiful as i remember. flowing vibrant red hair and stylish glasses. a black knee length one piece dress showing off those curves. i swear i almost felt a twitch downstairs. "why are you staring at me like that?" she glared at me. even the glare felt like an honor. "im sorry, you just so fucking beautiful. i cant believe that juugo wanted to leave someone like you for me," i sighed. she smirked. "i know right! im a bad bitch, john. the literal true definition of bad bitch. i cant believe he wanted to leave all this," she motioned to herself. hmm....i see why now. "and there it is! that right there is why," i took a sip of tea. she looked at me with a confused glance. "what?" she flipped her hair. "conceited, narcissist, self absorbed, selfish, any of those words ring a bell?" i asked. she raised a brow. "i had always wondered why he said that all through our marriage," she sipped her coffee," and now i see why he might like you. you are almost on par with my sexiness yet you carry yourself like one of the commoners," she stated. "get rid of that attitude and you will have your man back," i shrugged. she busted out laughing. "i like you, john. i really do. your conclusion was simple, right to the point, and overly easy to understand. im almost insulted," she said. "im not saying you shouldn't be a little of all those things cause its most certainly deserved, im just saying....tone it back. adopt an attitude of 'im sexy with whatever i wear/say/do. now i just have to make sure you do too'. shift your attention to him, as apposed to the mirror and he will fall in love again," i said. "ok, im officially insulted by you. i really fucking hate you which means you are totally my best friend now," she finished off her coffee. "how can we make this newfound fact known?" she asked. "you tell me. im sure he is planning a date for us right now. he will probably call soon too," i said. she grinned. "how about a good ole switcheroo? set up the date and everything then when its time, switch places or something," she said. i shook my head. "he will walk right out at the sight of you. more like...ill show up with my boyfriend in tow. more than likely its some kinda dinner that he has planned, followed by some intense boy on boy action *wink*, but that wont be possible cause my boyfriend is there. he will be soo distracted with trying to get me to split from him that he wont even notice the queen of bad bitches when she joins us at the table," i shrugged. she busted out laughing. "you, my friend, are one scary motherfucker. imma have to keep him away from you for life or you will steal him away again," she chuckled. "im pretty awesome," i shrugged. another chuckle.

later on that night...

"sooo....why are we going here again?" grumbled shika. he kept shifting in his seat. "and why the suit?" he asked. "fancy dinner with my new bff at habaneros. this was actually planned ahead of time so we were able to dress properly," i said. its actually kinda sad how predictable juugo is. he literally called ten minutes after my chat with Karin asking for a dinner. Karin laughed sooo hard her coffee came out her nose. she ran as fast as her heels would take her to the bathroom to get herself together. he sighed. "you got some bullshit planned for us dont you?" he grumbled. "of course not, babe. totally kosher," i grinned. "i dont trust that smile. im planning an escape from the drama," he started texting. "naruto and hinata are on a date night," i said. he glared at me. "im sure you had something to do with it," he grunted as he put up his phone. "nope," i chuckled. i only suggested it to them. they didnt have to take it in stride. "you suck at lying," he settled back in his seat. "there is no escaping this, shika. he will continue to try and third wheel on our relationship until he is taken care of. im doing this for us," i pulled into the parking lot. i got out the car. he stayed inside. "come on, shika. he is already here and i dont like keeping people waiting," i grunted. "im staying in the car," he said. "fine. guess im going home with juugo tonight," i shrugged as i started inside. i heard the door open and close. rapid footsteps before he grabbed my hand. "fine," he grunted through gritted teeth. i chuckled. "i was totally gonna have a threesome, just fyi," i said. he just looked away with a blush.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz