chapter 25

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the next day....

reader pov

i was woken up by a bright morning light. i looked at the clock and quickly realized that wasn't morning light. i sat up quickly, knocking my pillows on the ground. shit! i double checked my watch. yeah. i didn't read it wrong. it really is 12:17 pm. i fucking over slept. shit. i pulled out my phone. three missed calls and three texts from hidan.

hidan: i wanna walk to school together

hidan: where are you? we are gonna be late

hidan: whatever. you didn't have to ignore me.

shit. i texted him.

me: im sorry. i got to bed really late last night and ended up over sleeping. could you please get the class work for me?

it was a few minutes before he messaged back.

hidan: only if you study with me

me: fine. i guess i owe you that much

i sighed. of course i missed class. i hit my forehead for not thinking to set an alarm before hand. been in school two weeks and ive already missed a day. i got another text.

hidan: when are you coming?

me: sorta late. like 6 or 7

hidan: why so late? if you come too late, you wont spend that much time with me

me: im like two cities away

hidan: the hell are you doing two cities away?

me: hanging out with my new boyfriend

after that, i got a bunch of messages. my phone wouldn't stop buzzing. i got up and grabbed the pillows and blanket off the floor and headed over to the bedroom door. i knocked a few times. some muffled groaning. "i got your blanket and pillows. where do you want me to put them?" i called through the door. "...come in..." i heard him grunt. i opened the door. he was laying on his stomach in his bed with the dark blue sheet covering his lower half. he wasn't wearing a shirt from what i could see. "just...just bring them over here," he waved his hand, motioning me over. i walked over with the pillow and blankets and tossed them on the bed. i couldn't help but look at him in the bed. he had his face buried in his pillow with his arms under it squeezing it tight. the well defined muscles of his back. his arms are huge like kiba's. small waist leading down to that huge round hill that's his ass. shit. i shook my head. i need to stop ogling him. its not time for that. not just yet. i started walking away. a strong hand grabbed mine. he chuckled as he turned his head to look at me. "im sure it feels a lot better than it looks," he whispered seductively, making my face burn up. "i-i-i need to go h-h-home," i stammered, wishing my heart would stop pounding. he smirked. "why? you missed class. you can stay with me for today," he said. "i gotta study and catch up on work at a friends. a nice hot shower," i scratched my head nervously. " you can shower here. i dont mind," he said, turning on his side. yeah. just as buff as kiba. totally could be a model. wow do i attract some really good looking guys. weird. im rather average, at least in my opinion. " not comfortable using other people's showers and i dont have any clean clothes," i said. he chuckled as he sat up, letting his legs hang over the edge open wide. his sheet still covered him but i could see that he was very much naked. he took my other hand and intertwined the fingers. "all of those are just excuses. i canceled my meetings for today and made sure to turn your alarm off so that we could spend the day together. i wanna cuddle and watch tv. maybe even...." he tugged at my belt buckle. i knew it. i did remember to set an alarm. "i do wanna do that but...well i missed a lot of work today and i kinda promised a friend that we would study together," i scratched my head and looked away, trying not to look at the outline of his manhood. he sighed. "can we at least make out for a while?" he grumbled. i leaned down and kissed him. he grinned into the kiss as he gripped my shoulder and pulled me into the bed on top of him. wow does he feel a lot better than he looks. i had to will my hands not to explore his body.

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