chapter 8

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reader pov

the guy just shrunk back as soon as he looked at my face. weird. "you ok?" i asked as i handed him the papers he dropped. "its just....umm," he scratched his head nervously. getting a look at him i noticed....why in the hell is he wearing a mask? i dont even care. i just got a dangerous stalker who is convinced he is my boyfriend and is currently loading my cell up with texts. seriously. 5 minutes after he left, i got a text.

unknown: is this you?

i sighed. i wanted to lie but i get the feeling that would make things infinitely worse.

me: yes this is my number

i put his number in my phone.

kiba: ok babe. we should hang out at my house after class today

me: i have some studying to do after class

i lied. i just dont wanna spend time with him. im kinda cruel for not even giving him a chance. ill have to rethink my morals. i might actually be able to make this work.

kiba: so do i. we can study together

i guess i wont let him know that im a sophomore and he is a junior. we share one class.

me: sounds fun

kiba: ill buy pizza

after that, he would just send random messages every few minutes. 'im bored' and 'i wanna kiss you' were the most common. then teach stumbled in and is now staring at me like i just grew a third eye. i held out a hand to help him up. he took it and i pulled him up. i sat back in my chair as he slowly backed away around the table, staring at me like he was making sure i was real. "i would say take a picture but im sure that would be mega weird," i commented as he stared hard at my face. "not that you staring at me right now isn't creepy at all," i said. he shook his head rapidly to snap out of his daze. he turned to the chalkboard and started writing his name again, right under where he wrote it the first time. "you already wrote your name, mr hatake. you should finish your intro," i said. he noticed his name already written and erased the one he almost finished writing. he cleared his throat and clapped his hands. i assume that is to calm his nerves....because he is nervous for some reason. he just had a class like 20 minutes ago. he should be used to it by now. "ok guys. im kakashi hatake. im gonna be teaching you sophomores English lit. is there anyone who isn't susposed to be in this class?" for some reason he looked right at me. this is gonna be an awkward semester, isn't it?


shikamaru pov

damn. he looks even better in person. too bad kiba got a hold of him first. he was texting him and giggling ever since class started. the teacher had put us in groups for an assignment and it was me, kiba, Naruto, and sakura who made up our group. kiba was just typing away on his phone as sakura was reading and i could tell she was pissed about it. she snatched it from him. "why dont you show the group who you are texting and what about?" she started scrolling through his messages. "gimme my damn phone back. im talking to my boyfriend," he kept trying to grab it but she wouldn't let him. she looked at him like he was crazy. "im only telling you this as one of your friends, you are undateable. no matter how you look at it, you are undateable. its not that you aren't good looking or aren't warm and fuzzy inside. its quite the opposite. you are a wonderfully cuddly teddy bear. the reason people cant date the famous captain of the varsity football team is because you are clingy and possessive. you want to spend every second of everyday with anyone who shows any interest in you and will literally kill anyone one who looks at your claimed person for longer than a few seconds. you love hard, fast and easily, like a lost puppy, and your love is strong. very strong. you have all the qualities of an excellent lover, its just......each one is on steroids and gets stronger every day you can call someone yours. tone it back," she said. wow. she summed him up in 60 seconds. "john is different, sakura. he likes me for me. we are gonna spend the rest of today together," he managed to get his phone back. "see!! that's it right there. you both just became canon like an hour ago and you are already planning the wedding colors. im not gonna tell you how to run your love life, i just want to give you some friendly advice so that john doesn't become another shino," everyone's eyes widened. we are never susposed to mention shino to kiba. ever. Naruto got up and held him back before he could beat the shit outta her. "YOU DONT GET TO TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!!" the waterworks started flowing as Naruto half dragged him out the room. i sighed.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now