chapter 22

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the next morning....

kakashi pov

my heart was pounding. i never asked what john did with him. did he take him to the police like he said? shit. i cautiously walked into class. i put my stuff down. i scanned the crowd. he was sitting in the middle right side of the class close to a window. shit. dont panic. sure ill be fine. i started teaching.

it was ten minutes before the end of class. "alright class. turn in your work for the day. your homework is page 32-36, do all the problems. ill be grading them all so do your best and show all work. make sure you pass it on to the missing members of the class," i said. some groaning as people took down the assignment. they packed up and headed out, dropping their classwork off on my desk as they left. i didn't get any outbursts from obito at all today....weird. no crude remarks or whistling. something is off. he put his work on the pile and just walked out. as soon as everyone left, i dug through and grabbed his paper. nothing. no messages. just the work like it was susposed to be done. i sighed. i guess john really did take care of him. i gathered up the papers and put them in my bag. i was about to head out when i heard rapid running. i looked to the door to see obito had ran back and was doubled over panting. he gasped for breath. where did he run from? he walked over to me, making my heart race. i took a couple of steps back as he reached into his pocket. he pulled out a little slip of paper and held it out to me. he laughed as i took it. he wiped away some sweat and let out a sigh of relief. "that was a close one! i fantasizing about my reward ALL day and had almost completely forgot to give you master's note. im glad i remembered or else i would have been punished," he seemed genuinely relieved. "master?" i raised a brow. he looked at me. "my boyfriend has this weird master/slave kink. at first it was getting to me, but now....shit. im actually kinda liking it. starting to turn me on," he scratched his head nervously. another thing i raised a brow too. "he said to give ya the note, dont read it, and if i do this, ill get a reward. im psyched for the reward whenever he gets back," he said. he keeps talking but its not making me understand him at all. "o...k?" i said as i cautiously unfolded the meticulously folded piece of paper. "ive done what i was susposed to. tell master ive been a good boy, will ya?" he asked. i nodded. "thanks. ill see ya in economics on Thursday," he jogged out. i finished unfolding the note.

dont think ive forgotten that kiss you owe me. im totally gonna cash in soon enough.

i balled it up and tossed it out. not gonna happen. he had his chance. i was willing but he didn't do it so he is gonna miss out. gonna find me another man soon enough. its not like he is the only guy who peaks my interest.


reader pov

they stared at it for a long time. a really long time. sorta making me uncomfortable. "do you really have to stare at it?" i asked. some of them gulped while other had a dark blush. im beginning to think this bath thing with the girls wasn't such a good idea. as soon as i took off my towel and settled down in the pool-like tub, all eyes were on me.....more specifically below the belt. they didn't even talk about it. just looked at it for a long time. "take a picture or something! you are all freaking me out," i could feel my blush. some of them got out the water, covered in suds, and dug through their purses pulling out their phones. a series of clicks. i sighed. they got back in the water and formed a circle that included me. "ok, ladies, and john, we need to talk strategies..." ino started. they all started talking but i....shit. i didn't really pay attention. im still a bit buzzed off of last night with juugo. we had been texting all morning about random shit. i got another buzz from my phone.

juugo: we should see a movie

me: what movie?

juugo: ok. maybe not a movie

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now