chapter 31

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one month later....

kakashi pov

i still couldn't believe it. i really couldn't. who would have known that a simple bar hookup would have turned into the best relationship ive ever had. the guy is brilliant, funny, not to mention sexy as fuck. loves the cheesy shit like he said when we first met. we went on actual dates most of the time. we actually didn't have sex every single day. most days we would just cuddle and watch tv at his house or mine. oh my god his house! its really something. he is really good at his job. makes around 500k a year. big fancy estate with butlers and everything. i dont understand how this guy could have been single for even a minute. we just laid on his huge sofa in his living room, his back pressed against me. all snuggled up. watching tv, well he was on his phone for most of the time but what ever. i swear he never puts the thing down. if we aren't on a date or fucking , his face is glued to his phone. "what on earth is so interesting about your phone?" i asked out the blue. he chuckled. "i told you i have a very active social life, babe. my kik, Facebook messenger, and my twitter are constantly buzzing with new messages from current clients, possible clients, friends, and family from all across the world. im like a linchpin, if you will, for communication between hundreds of people," he explained. "how do you manage all that stuff?" i asked.

"part of my job. if i dont keep on top of organizing my work and personal life, my head will literally explode. its either use my phone, or use my laptop at work. my thumbs move faster than my fingers so my phone it is," he said. i sighed. just another of the things that makes him so great. very practical and multitalented. his place stays clean like mine. even more so since he has people working around the clock to keep it that way. im sure he is holding like 15 full blown conversations right now with 15 different people. he would chuckle, shrug, and glare at his phone all in the same minute. almost makes me jealous of his phone. wish he would pay that much attention to me. of course, im not being all that truthful with that statement. i mean it only as a figure of speech. as in im actually happy he has something to hold his attention. im still pretty boring. "do you think im boring?" i asked. "yup. super boring. nothing about you is interesting at all," he said, still typing away on his phone. like that didn't hurt my feelings at all. "you didn't have to be so blunt about it," i said, a grimace on my face. he chuckled. "who said that being boring wasn't a good thing? you see im actually pretty interesting to like 300 people right now. i hardly have a second to breathe before i have to send another message. you, on the other hand, can enjoy something that i can only wish for: silence. your hands aren't always moving like mine are. you are always tranquil and peaceful. just being in your arms keeps me sane and stops me from throwing my phone across the room. i swear its one of the things that makes you so great," he said. awe! he sure knows how to make a guy feel good. he grunted. "babe....just give me a minute. i have like four more people to text," he said, a dark blush on his face. who would have known that stroking my ego really turns me on.


reader pov

yup. today is the day. or tonight, really. i looked at the clock, 6:26 pm. he should be here in a few minutes. i got up off the sofa and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. i came out in a towel just as i heard the door click. it opened, revealing him with a sick grin in his black and white suit and briefcase. he looked me up and down, his grin growing wider. "let me take a quick shower," he whispered, walking right into the bathroom behind me. i headed into the bedroom and sat on the bed. i dug out some condoms and a healthy bottle of lube. ive been both looking forward and dreading this day. looking forward for obvious reasons. i mean....well i haven't had sex in a month, im very much horny right now. dreading because...well i dont know if everything we have done up until now was just for this day, or night rather. i cant help but think was it a good idea to wait? sure it sounded good when i first said it but now....i dont know. maybe not a month but more like a week of waiting before we fucked might have been better. i dont know. just seeing his happy face when he came in sorta made my heart drop. sure we have made out a lot and its not uncommon that i would jack him off to take off the edge but still. i cant help but question this. sure he says he is gay now but will he really like....well being fucked in the ass? sure it has its benefits and can be quite enjoyable from what ive seen but still. i cant help but think he has something that calms his nerves before stuff like this. i chuckled. probably something simple like a stress ball or imagines he has a really kinky girlfriend or something. im probably over thinking this. i glanced at the clock again, 7:06 pm. hmm....i thought he was gonna take a quick shower. i shrugged. guess he is double checking to make sure. i sighed.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat