chapter 36

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3 days later...

kushina pov

"just calm down, juugo. im sure everything will be just fine," i soothed for the millionth time. he refused to listen. just kept pacing back and forth in the living room of our mansion. i thought it was weird when he just showed up out of nowhere but over the last 3 hours, i think i got the gist of what was going on. he just shook his head, the tears a steady flow down his face. "its bad. its soooooo fucking bad. i called him soooo many times. he wont pick up, he wont answer my texts. i fucking broke in his house and couldn't find him anywhere!! where the hell is he?" he just started sobbing his eyes out. he sat on the sofa with his face in his hands trying his hardest to wipe them away. "just give him some space and time to clear his head. i did kinda drop a bombshell on him a few days ago, juugo. he probably dont know what to think. just give him some time. im sure he will come around," i just kept feeding him the traditional soothing lines.

naturally it wasn't working but he cant say i wasn't trying. he was a mess! didn't look like he got a wink of sleep since their break up. i can smell him from across my living room. im sure he is still wearing the same jeans, tee, and underwear he was wearing three days ago. its nasty. just awful. "i miss him sooo much!! i just want him to come back and hold me like he used to and talk this out with me!" he sobbed. i guess i cant be all mad. he did spend the last few days alone in his penthouse pretty much rolled up in his bed with one of john's shirts. i had to drag him over here so he wouldn't fucking kill himself. i dont think ive ever seen a man this heartbroken before. of course....well yeah, i did see this coming a mile away. right after Karin called me, say she was gonna be in fire city for a while and how we should totally hang out, i knew it. i never liked her. ever since she cheated on juugo the first time, i damn near hated the bitch. i put on a fake smile only because of juugo. when juugo first told me about his affair, telling Karin about it was the furthest thing from my mind. i was even more happy when i found that he was cheating with a guy. i wish it were her here now, sobbing her eyes out. i sighed. "what...what can i do to make it up to him?" he whispered absentmindedly. i had to fight my inner fangirl who desperately wanted to tell him to give him a blowjob and be serious. "all i can say is give him space. no matter how sorry you are, im sure that doesn't matter to him right now. he is probably crying just as hard as you. just give him space and time," i said. i was still surprised they got engaged. juugo had called me out the blue and told me they were getting married and of course i was happy at first but i had to can he marry john when he is still married to Karin? i didn't question it. im sure he had thought that far too so im not worried. i got a text.

Karin: have you seen juugo? i cant find him anywhere

yeah. im still sorta pissed that she came here and did this to them. gonna hide him here with me till he can get back together with john. this bitch can just search the city for them.

me: omg juugo is missing?

i lied. that's how much i dont like this bitch.


Karin pov

uugghh! i dont know what is wrong with him. as soon as i found him the other day, he just took off. like i was AIDS patient zero. ive tried damn near every method of communication but i cant seem to get a hold of him. its ridiculous! who on earth could get so caught up in an affair that they are willing to abandon their history!! he should be over this by now. im totally willing to help him get over it, after all, i am his wife but i just cant find him anywhere. i wont give up, nonono dear. i wont give up on us, on you, or any of this. im gonna take him back home with me if its the last thing i do.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat