AP: Kidomaru Smith

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author's note: i had to give him a last name for this story to work. dont know for sure but it might longer than AP: Obito. i was actually hoping to get to this one before i got shipped off but ill have plenty of time. i might even finish the AP series! i dont know. i guess we will see.

SSP: chapter 1 (yup. huge deviation for this story)

Main Difference from Main Story: you talk to kido instead of hidan on grindr

reader pov

Name: (F/n) (L/n)

Username: avg-guy2

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 180 lbs

Body Type: Athletic Muscular

Position: Top

About Me: timid and a bit shy but really outgoing when you get to know me. looking for a little fun but wouldn't mind more if it came to it.

i had a nice face pic as my profile pic and one body shot of me in my undies. figured it would help people get to know me. they suggested it. sasuke said i had 35 messages within the first 10 minutes of him creating it. i scrolled through it. yeah. lots of nudes. 'fuck me' and 'marry me' were the most common. i was scrolling through the messages i received when i spotted a legitimate greeting.

Spider-Man: what up man

i looked at the message for a long time. i was wary. i decided to check out the profile.

Username: Spider-Man

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 170 lbs

Body Type: lean, twink, fit, slim

Position: versatile

About Me: hmu

there was a picture of a guy with dark skin and a ponytail. he wore a large black hoodie and that was pretty much it. he was looking off into the distance as he was crossing the street. the angle suggests someone else took this picture of him. he was cute but id like to see more than just that. even i have a body shot. he piqued my curiosity. i guess it wont hurt to say hi, right?

me: yo

the green light said he was on right now but it took him a few minutes to respond.

Spider-Man: whats a fine guy like you doin on a sight like this?

me: wondering if there are humans on here. so far i haven't found one

Spider-Man: whoa. tough. i thought you were a robot at first. u know how those fine ones turn out to be robots to keep people on the site

me: no clue what u are talking about. of course i haven't been on this sight for long so i dont know

Spider-Man: lol. whats your name? i know its not 'average guy'

me: sure it is. says it on my birth certificate and everything

Spider-Man: shit really? i didnt know. im sorry

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