chapter 47

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the next day...

shino pov

i never thought i would see this city again. its a year? since i had been in the city. after almost 10 months in the work force trying to help my mom and sister with the bills, i had finally been able to get back into school. while i wanted to go back, my mom could never set aside enough money to send me back. its been tough but im finally back. now im just sitting in the car with Mr taka, the guy who is gonna help me get my life back on track. he had came to get me from the airport just like he promised. "im gonna go ahead and drop you off at the hotel so you can get settled. then we can chat at a local café near the university. how does that sound?" he asked. "sounds good," i replied. he kept driving, going past all the buildings i still for some reason remember. i mean...i did grow up here after all. he parked in front of the tall building. "here is your key. just take your things up to the room and make yourself at home. get cleaned up. i know you didnt really have time to get ready properly so ill come and get ya around 10 am. sound good?" i asked. i nodded. he nodded and handed me a key. i took my things and headed inside.

the room was HUGE! i didnt think he would treat me soo well when i got here. first class with gourmet food for dinner and a huge comfy chair to sleep for the remainder of the airplane ride here. he said for me not to eat breakfast since he wanted to chat at a café where we both could enjoy some breakfast. i put my little duffle bag on the huge bed. this is something else. i stripped and headed for a nice long shower.


shikamaru pov

me: are we still on for the meeting or what eves today?

asuma: yeah. can we do like ten?

i looked at the clock, 8:15 am. i texted john.

me: can you guys come to breakfast today around ten?

it was a few minutes before he answered.

john: yeah. im sure that would be fine. where at?

me: café downtown near the university. figure its a place most of us know

john: me and kiba will be there

i texted asuma.

me: ten is fine. i already talked to john. we are meeting at the café near the university. u know where its at?

asuma: yeah i got it. see ya

me: yeah

i put my phone back on my nightstand. a little depressed. asuma will be working on getting back with iruka while kiba and john are all lovey dovey. im the only one going to this meeting not already in a relationship. its....its getting to me. i couldn't have john or kiba or asuma so im just all alone. shit. what is wrong with me? why wont anyone stay with me for longer than a few months? am i not all that good looking? john said i was sexy but he is still messing around with kiba so he is off limits. i really need to find someone quick. i dont know how much longer i can hold out.


reader pov

"babe...babe...BABE!" he snorted but sat up immediately. "you gotta take a shower. we are having breakfast with shika in like two-ish hours," i said. i dried off my hair. he groaned as he got out the bed. he limped over to me. a kiss before he limped into the bathroom. i changed the sheets quickly and got dressed. i waited for him to come out the bathroom. i gotta say....he is starting to grow on me. im starting to get used to his clinginess. his love is simple and pure. innocent. no deception. he isn't trying to lead me on only to break it off in the future. i sighed.

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