Author's Note (important)

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yeah, not starting on the bonus chapters for this story for a little bit of a minute. probably not till the weekend. what do i have planned? im soooo glad you asked...

bonus chapter about your job after college

bonus chapter about how you come to be a father (might end up fused with the first one)

of course; The alternate path series (subbing for AP when i start righting so it will look like 'AP: Kiba Inuzuka')

ones that i have planned for the alternate path series:

Muu, Kiba, Hidan, Shikamaru, Juugo, Kidomaru, and Obito. probably not in that order, though.

the lengths of some will be longer than others and they all will pick up at some point during the main story (Reader x Kakashi) so reading that is imperative.

the entire Alternate path series will be private (yes i did figure out how to do that) so you gotta follow me to read em (takes two seconds. just hit the follow button, refresh wattpad a few times, and you can read em all) this will be the only part of the book that will be private. all other bonus chapters will be public. i do this so that when you read em, you know where they are picking up from and there isn't confusion.

all of them will be independent of each other so you can read the ones you wanna see (i.e. you would love to see how the story would change if Kiba was the one you ended up with. or you would like to see how the story would change if Hidan were the one you ended up with. etc.)

as with all my other stories, bonus chapters are just that: bonus. they arent part of the main story and arent important to understanding it at all. read em if you are just as obsessed with this world as i am.

umm....thanks a whole lot for reading. i really appreciate it. love how this story hit the ground running. love all you guys!!

Yours Truly,

Ronald, The Author

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ