chapter 7

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the next morning....

kakashi pov

big headache woke me up. i hate drinking. im thinking about quitting the bottle altogether. a couple of minutes of me laying there and my phone alarm was going off. i sighed. time to see what the drunk me wanted to let me know. i picked it up and looked at it.

dear sober me,

look on grindr and find avg-guy2. im sure you will like him. i know i did

much love,

shitfaced kakashi

at least the drunk me still knows how to leave me messages. wait......grindr?! when in the fuck did i get a grindr? shit. it was gai's punk ass. i already know. i pulled up the app. i was shocked. there were 22 messages already. weird. i clicked on my profile. ok....hat and mask on. kinda looked like a ninja. couldn't really recognize me. good. i would hate for someone at the school to recognize me off grindr. i looked through the pictures. yeah. im a little pissed. drunk me likes to take nude pictures and gai got ahold of my phone. not like i can take em off so im just gonna try not to think about it. now....about that guy. i scrolled through the guys in the area. hmm....yeah. he is good looking. looks rather normal. two pictures: his face as the profile pic, and a pick of him in his undies. damn. im sure the drunk me went at it with this pic. i looked through his profile. hmm....actually rather normal. i would talk to him...just not on grindr. grindr means i just want sex. i want more than that so nope. not gonna happen. just gonna have to pass him up. i sighed. i got up. my chest was sticky confirming my earlier assumption. i took a nice hot shower. its Saturday. nothing to do today or tomorrow. guess ill just kick back and relax till school on Monday.


reader pov

"we should stay in till school, sasuke," i said as he was walking out the door. he looked at me like i was crazy. "im not a couch potato like you, john. i have a life and other friends. bitches to fuck. you know, all those things you wish you had," he grumbled. i shrugged. "im just saying. ive had a crazy week. got some crazies after me. i cant afford to risk being seen outside of school any more. im just gonna stay in the safety of my home," i said. he shrugged. "later," he walked out. "make sure that blond girl from the other day doesn't accidentally see you or know any of your other friends," i said. he waved as he closed the door. now....good ole cable television.


shikamaru pov

"just relax, kiba. you wont be able to find the guy by blindly searching the neighborhood ," he literally went door to door hoping he would run into him. he grunted. "the damn app thingy said he was a mile away. if i look hard enough, im sure ill find his house or whatever," he grabbed his jacket and headed right out. i sighed. i didn't have the courage to tell him that grindr's app location system or whatever isn't accurate. it just tells a general area. the edge of his general area happens to be only a mile from the edge of kiba's general area. that would stop kiba. he will probably be searching all weekend. combing all of fire city. he is persistent, ill give him that. he might actually find him. i dont know.


kakuzu pov

"i called him soooooo many times but he just wont pick up," he grumbled to himself. this is the only semi normal thing that i dont mind all that much about doing with him. just sitting on the sofa watching tv. not touching at all. "that's what happens when you dont treat people like they are susposed to be treated," i commented. he glared at me. "what do you know about relationships?" he retorted. i gave him a knowing look. "ive been dating konan for the past 5 years, hidan. we are actually getting ready to get married. i know all the ins and outs of a relationship. trust me," i said. its true. im a fucking expert on the subject. her mood swings are all i need. "well then....what would you do if you were in my situation?" he asked. i shrugged. "move on. there are plenty of other fish in the sea," i said simply. he started grumbling to himself. "what if you know he...or the one?" he asked. another shrug. "start off with a little self reflection. find out why we broke up, fell out, whatever and spend a little time working on them. then, once the proof that im starting to change my ways becomes evident, maybe force a situation where we would have to spend an extended amount of time together," i suggested. he seemed to think it over. "well....i dont start there for two weeks so i guess i can back off and think about it," he said. "up to you," i said.

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