AP: Juugo (Pt 2)

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"i hate the thought of love at first sight. i hate it with a passion. why? well because its so unsure, so unsteady, nothing to base it on yet the feelings were real. so much more than real that if you didnt feel the same way, id have been devastated. i was wary at first. you were a sexy, smart, strong, and very much straight man when i first met you but now....now i know without a shadow of a doubt that you being here with me right now, this is real. even though it was shaky at first, what we were able to develop over the time we been together proved it to be the right choice and im happy. im damn happy to be here ready for you to be mines forever," i couldn't stop the few tears that escaped my eyes. the official went with the traditional spiel. no objections and the rings were brought up. "you may kiss the groom," chimed the official. he leaned in close quickly, stealing it right from me before i was ready but i was glad. he was the o who kissed me when we first met. im glad to see he is still enthused about it. we walked down the aisle, hand in hand with nothing but cheers in our wake.

there was dancing and food, not to mention every gift in the world. drinks were passed around as we celebrated the best day of our lives. i was glad we had a driver take us back to the hotel because im confident i couldn't see straight, let alone drive at night. when we got up to the room, the door was closed, and those suits were shed, we made love.

we merged if only temporarily. it was passionate, lusty, no to mention exhausting. we were so tired, we nearly missed our flight the next morning. things couldn't be better. a week away on a resort island, just us in a really nice room. beaches and parties, still celebrating the best day of our lives. wasn't long before we found ourselves on the beach, just a couple nights into our honeymoon. it was a warm summer afternoon, fastly approaching the early evening and we were taking a stroll down the edge of the beach, hand in hand. no shoes or socks, letting the sand between our toes and the water brush over our feet as we walked. that dawn was approaching when he stopped. we were pretty far from the beach. he pulled me up some scattered rocks on top of a much larger rock where we sat on the edge and watched the sun set. it was then that he leaned over, stealing another kiss before whispering in my ear, "ill always love you," he whispered and it was mere seconds before i returned the sentiment.

one year later...

the tears fell down my face as i sat on the edge of the bed. how on earth could this have happened? when just months ago now, we were sitting on that cliff. ended up fucking on the beach too. all that for me to walk in on that?

we had gone out that night with friends. we were happy. laughing and smiling and drinking. wasn't long before we were too drunk to drive home. after we got outside, things are started getting fuzzy. i had had one to many drinks. "wow, i need to lay down!" i said before everything gets to hazy to remember right now. where things went wrong was the next morning, just a few hours ago now, when i woke up back at home in our bed. i.....was the only one there. initially i didnt panic, figuring one of my friends took him home or something. i didnt want to assume the worst. after all, we are married, right? after a while of waiting, i called him a few times, only to find that his cell phone was dead, it having died roughly 20 minutes before we got to drinking. 'what a perfect time for the find-my-spouse app' i thought. i pulled it up, showing that he wasn't far from where i was at. i left.

i pulled into the parking lot of a nearby hotel, the app showing that he was here. i couldn't fight the panic that arose but i did my best to quell my suspicions. we had been married a full year, celebrating our anniversary the night before. surely i couldn't assume the worst. i followed the beeping of the app to a room, one that was cracked open and a very familiar smell was leaking out. not to mention the moaning that was emanating through the room. oh god was i hoping that the app was wrong and i would accidentally walk in on someone else but...when i walked in the room, there was no mistaking it. the activity was still going on after all. not to mention how.....vocal they both were. the cover was barely holding to their bodies as they fucked right in front of me, both oblivious to my presence in the room. i looked and looked for signs of them being impostors but when i saw his ass that would peak over the cover with every thrust, i knew it for a fact. i had been using the thing for going on two years as pleasure after all. what i found was my husband and the woman who had quickly grown to be my best friend over the past year in the bed doing the dirty deed. shamelessly i might add.

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