《Chapter 10》

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A/N; Daddy I updated the story you asked can i pls have noods yet

Y/N's P.O.V


I blinked a few times in succession to make certain this was not some kind of trick my eyes were playing on me. When I opened my eyes again, they focused on the girl I'd been trying to avoid all week.

"I-i-i," No complete words managed to escape her mouth when she opened it, the only things falling out where strangled noises and whines. Her body continued to shake and convulse, whether it was because of the cold and wet or the sobs forcibly taking over her body I was still unsure of.

"Ca-" I didn't know what else to do, so I went to say her name again. I try to piece together whatever is happening in my head to attempt to understand whatever is happening here, maybe even formulate a question or sentence, but all the thoughts were rushing through my head too fast.

And before I could the name could be heard, the person to whom it belonged threw herself into me, with notable force.

Camila's wet clothes pressed up firmly against mine as her shaky hands shot up to latch onto the back of my shirt.

Her grip was so tight around my body as she buried her face into my chest, everything she must have been holding back now escaping freely with no restraint.

"Y/N, Y-Y/N." Camila cried, her broken voice triggering the instincts inside of me and overriding everything else in my head. All the thoughts went quiet as my arms were brought up to return the embrace as she continued crying, the sound muffled by my shirt while I pulled her tightly into myself.

I was strange how I felt broken and complete at the same time.

All of the questions I had been asking all week had suddenly become irrelevant, but I already knew all this time that as soon as I see any tears in Camila's eyes was when it was all over, there was nothing I could do to hold myself back from that. Everything inside of me needed to comfort her, make sure she was okay; regardless of how much she'd hurt me and why.

But the way she cried so freely and loudly in my embrace was whatsomehow broke my heart even more than whatever else she had done to me. Seeing Camila hurting would never compare to any other pain I could possibly feel in my life.

"Camila." I tried speaking, but my voice cracked as tears sprung to my own eyes. I rubbed carefully at her back when her crying still hadn't slowed yet, almost like how the pouring rain had still not yet subsided. This the Camila that I loved, honest; nothing about this was pretending.

A flash of lightning flooded the sky, very soon followed by the booming thunder, Camila suddenly holding me tighter and crying more. The thought that I'd had before suddenly popped back into my head; Camila is afraid of storms.

She'd felt it necessary to walk all the way from her house to mine in the middle of one of the worst thunderstorms we've had.

"Camila, baby, your clothes are soaked, you need to come inside." I whispered gently, my own voice barely audible over the pouring rain. Camila didn't offer an resistance as I carefully tugged her into the house, closing the door behind us. Water dripped steadily from every inch of the shivering girl clinging to me like her life depended on it, her skin freezing to the touch and having me worried.

"C'mon I need to get you into some warm and dry clothes otherwise you're going to freeze to death." I mumbled out as I started guiding her towards the bathroom, leaving a trail of water behind us and making me realize that I would probably need to change my clothes too after this. Now that the front door was closed, Camila unrestrained cries echoed throughout the house and bounced off the walls, still just as heartbreaking as earlier.

Bite the Bullet       【Camila/You】Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon