《Chapter 5》

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"Can we talk?"

"...About?" Camila gives me a pointed look, causing me to throw my hands up in defense. She straightens and pats her shirt down where it became wrinkled from her being doubled over.

"Look, I'm really sorry about this morning." Camila started, staring me directly in the eyes. "I didn't mean to put something like that on you so quickly." As she spoke, I noticed that no matter how hard I searched in her eyes and body language, the only thing I could see was sincerity. I decided to trust her in that moment; my gut feeling didn't tell me otherwise.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for just walking off like that." My voice almost came out in a whisper when I talked. I unclenched my fists, acknowledging how sweaty they had become because of how nervous I felt. Camila chuckled quietly, the noise making me feel giddy on the inside; as always.

"Oh please, that's how any normal person would react." I shifted my gaze downward for my next question.

"So, it's not weird?" I found it unusual that my voice didn't shake in that moment. The brunette was silent for half a minute before she responded.

"T-that you like me?" Camila's voice shook in place of mine, sounding as if she'd said it out loud for the millionth time. I could only nod, and that was when I looked back up to her face. I saw her shoulders raise with a short breath.

"No, of course not. I-It's um-," Camila's lips curved up into a small smile, but she hurriedly bit down hard on her bottom lip, as if to stop herself from saying whatever she was going to, instead leaving it hidden in her brown eyes.

"Please, help me Y/N." If she wasn't begging before, she definitely is now. Camila's whisper had me torn, part of my brain wanted me to walk away and forget any of this, but the desperation in her voice had me wanting to hug her and assure her that everything would be okay.

Despite the protests from the logical thinking in my head, I went with the latter of the feelings that I felt in that moment.

"This is crazy." I finally sighed after a few minutes.

"You can come over to my house right now actually... if you want, that is." She added the last bit hastily, as if I would walk away at any given time.

"We just started talking properly yesterday and you already want me over at your house for-" I trailed off at the last part, not actually sure of what Camila wanted from me specifically. She shook her head quickly, seeming to gain her composure back from when she'd sounded so desperate a few seconds ago.

"No strings, easy. R-right, Y/N?" Camila prompted with a small smile, still stumbling over her words and making it sound as if she was trying to convince herself more so than me.

"Easy for you to say." I mumbled out in a low voice, hoping she wouldn't hear. Suddenly, an unrecognizable look found itself on her face as her head tilted slightly to the side, but she shook her head again to rid herself of it before I could ask any questions.

"C'mon." Camila took a step forward and grabbed my hand to intertwine our fingers together before pulling me down the street in the opposite direction of my house. "My parents aren't home tonight."

I didn't walk away this time.


After a short walk with Camila holding my hand the whole way and me texting my parents to inform them that I'd be over at a friend's place for a while, we arrived at the front of a small house. She mumbled something I didn't quite catch before finally letting go of my hand and walking down the pathway to open the front door with me trailing behind.

Bite the Bullet       【Camila/You】Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz