《Chapter 7》

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"Uh, why do you look like someone just stole your puppy?" Lauren chuckled from the other side of the table as I lowered myself down slowly, dropping my bag to my side and pulling out my lunch. I just shrugged in response to her question; unsure of how to explain I was confused at how my crush was treating me.

The reason it took me longer to reply to her question was because I was too focused on how Austin had just arrived at Camila's table and how he pulled her up to greet her the same way he always did without fail.

I watched as Austin bit her lower lip, leaving me trying not to think about how I had done that last night. Camila's hands didn't leave her sides once, leaving me trying not to think about how her hands were all over me when we had kissed. The way her chocolate eyes trailed to the ground when Austin took a step back and sat without any further investment in Camila left me wanting to comfort her and hold her like her boyfriend should.

The only thing I knew was that the girl who had a boyfriend was questioning things and essentially using me to figure things out. The same girl that left me over here watching as she kissed her boyfriend like we hadn't just made out last night.  Yet she's still making sure I'm sitting next to her in class, and then even goes out of her way just to hold my hand? Needless to say that I was confused as fuck.

But I couldn't say anything about it; I couldn't tell Lauren any of that.  I had to sit here with her and pretend nothing had happened, going about my daily life.

I had to sit back here and bite the bullet.

"Eh, just a little tired I guess." I shrugged, taking a bite of my sandwich after speaking. Lauren looked unsure at first, but the face of uncertainty faded a few seconds later as she seemed to accept the excuse.


I didn't talk to Camila again until later that day when I was lying on my bed and my phone dinged loudly. I tried to think of who it might be as I leant over; as I wasn't sure of who it could be texting me at this time and about what.

((Heyyyy Y/N, do you have any plans for tomorrow?)) -Camila

I hummed for a second, trying to think if I did actually have anything planned and when I realized I didn't; I was quick to text her back.

((No, how come?)) -Sent

Her reply came through not even a second after, almost as if she'd typed it out straight after she sent her initial message to me.

((Okay, well my family and I are going to the river tomorrow, the one near the rowing course. Sooo I was kinda sorta wondering if you maybe wanted to come with?)) -Camila

((Yeah, sure, let me just ask my parents.)) -Sent

I wasn't too sure why she'd rather invite me over anybody else in her close circle of friends; or even her boyfriend. I almost gagged at the thought in my head, but soon tried to rid myself of it by shaking my head a little as I rose from where I was lying on my bed to eventually go downstairs to ask if I could actually go.

((Sweet!! I hope you're allowed, I'm excited!)) -Camila

I found part of me hoping it was okay for me to go.


My hopes were answered when I ended up at the river early the next day. When I'd messaged Camila back after saying that I was allowed to go, she'd said she wanted to get out early so we could have the whole day.

Needless to say, I was even more excited for the day when I greeted Camila next to the river and observed that she was wearing a bikini. It was a little disappointing though, because she was wearing a lifejacket that restricted my...view. When she turned to face me, I noticed how the sun shone on her face in a way that made her chocolate brown eyes sparkle more than usual.

Bite the Bullet       【Camila/You】Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz