《Chapter 12》

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Mija, are you both all good in there?" Camila's mother called from the other side of her bedroom door.

Camila only rolled her eyes exaggeratedly at the question from her mother, visibly annoyed at the inquiry. "Yes, Ma." She responded, trying her best to hide the annoyance in her tone, only to fail miserably. "We're just doing homework."

"Ugh, don't remind me." I sigh out defeatedly under my breath at Camila's statement as I stared down at the maths sheets spread out on the bed in front of me.

'Not what I want spread out on the bed in front of me right now, but whatev-'

"Alright, well I'm just downstairs if you need me, don't forget." Camila's mother's other statement interrupted the lewd thoughts beginning to creep into my mind.

I gave my head a good shake to try and rid myself of the thoughts completely; I have important school assignments I need to focus on.

"Yes, Ma." Camila only sighed out dismissively once more when responding, her shoulders finally relaxing when the sound of the footsteps headed away from her door and down the steps.

"You know what, these maths sheets are bullshit." I mumbled out decidedly, a stern look finding itself on my face when my head got to point it felt like it was going to explode if I had to work out one more algebraic equation. "I'll just do them some other time."

Camila hummed thoughtfully, her chocolate eyes trained on me from the other side of the bed, patiently watching as I pulled a different exercise book from my school bag. Instead of actually being organized like a normal person, I just plonked my new open book over all the other sheets splayed over the bed.

"What are you going to work on now, Y/N?" Camila asked with a small smile creeping onto her face.

"I have an English presentation tomorrow, so I should probably memorize this stupid speech." I groaned after hearing my own words. Honestly, fuck oral presentations.

"That doesn't sound too exciting." The brunette noted, scooting closer to where I was sat on the bed in order to peek over my shoulder.

"It's not exciting at all." I was quick to agree with Camila's observation, a strange and empty feeling filling my stomach at the mere thought of having to present this at school tomorrow.

"Well, how is it going so far?" Camila questioned, keeping the conversation flowing quite naturally.

"Hmm, the writing went well, but to tell you the truth, I'm actually really nervous just thinking about it." The truth came out and lingered in the room, in our ears.

"Wait." Camila sounded quite shocked at my confession. "You're nervous?"

"Of course I am, Camila." I only shrugged.

"But, you never seem scared of anything." The brunette disclosed her opinion, lowering her gaze so it was fixated on the sheets of her bed.

My look softened, Camila appeared quite vulnerable in this moment, and I wasn't going to ruin it with any sarcasm or snarky remarks to her previous statement. She wouldn't be mentioning something like this if it didn't mean something important to her.

"Camila." I let a small smile sneak onto my features as I turned my body so I could face her. I slowly brought my hands up to rest on her cheeks so that I could lift her head slightly until our eyes met. "We all get scared sometimes and that's okay, but f you don't jump you're never going to get to the other side."

Silence filled the room as Camila's eyes filled with tears. They brimmed and eventually flowed over her cheeks, but I quickly wiped them away before they could fall too far. My heart quickened at the sight of them, I didn't want Camila to feel like I wasn't there for her.

She took in a short breath through her nose in time with a brief nod.

"I understand." Camila assured, taking the words to heart.

I could only smile back as she brought her own hands up to rest over mind on her face.

A few more tears spilled over as Camila leant forward to connect our lips in a brief kiss. She leant back somewhat, still refusing to break eye contact.

"I l-..." Her voice broke, and she trailed the syllable off.

The same, familiar, pained expression I've grown used to seeing flashed in her eyes.

"I'll always be here." She eventually decided on those words, she still meant them.

"And I'll always be here." I accentuated my last word by placing my palm flat over her chest so I could feel her heart beating against my hand. Her smile grew even larger. "Now let's get this stupid homework done."

Camila nodded and reached over to retrieve her pencil, continuing on the maths homework she'd been working on previous.

For the rest f the time spent doing homework, Camila was pressed firmly into my side, her head resting comfortably on my shoulder.

She worked steadily on the maths sheets while I rehearsed my English, Camila didn't seem to be bothered by my constant speaking; she in fact reassured me that she found my voice quite soothing.

By the time I was sure I had my speech memorized down pat, I told Camila I was confident in my work and ready to go to sleep.

She smiled and we fell asleep curled up around each other in between her sheets.

I could only hope that Camila would do the same and tell me she's no longer afraid when she becomes confident enough to face whatever it is that's holding her back.

Whenever that may be.

No matter how long it takes.


A/N: I KNOW this is short but believe me the next chapter is going to be longer. Chap 13 is where shit hits the faN BOI

Sorry for making u all wait so long 4 updates pls dont hate me

ive been so busy lately my parents moved tf out cuz they got sick of me and now im blonde bOI ALL OF THE CHANGES WHATS UP






Bite the Bullet       【Camila/You】Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora