《Chapter 13》

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Good luck, Y/N." Camila gave my hand a gentle and reassuring squeeze from where we both stand outside of my English classroom.

The end of lunch bell had just rung loudly throughout the school halls and my heart was beating quite erratically at the realisation that I have to present my English assignment.

So here I stood, facing Camila outside of my classroom, her hand holding tightly onto one of my own, my other hand gripped onto the piece of paper I'd been using to rehearse for the past three hours.

"Hey, you've got this." Camila reiterated, giving my hand a final squeeze before eventually letting go and taking a short step back. Her chocolate eyes stared right into mine with a look of pure admiration. "I know you can do it. I believe in you." She added in a whisper that came out under her breath; words meant only for my ears.

And I wanted nothing more than to kiss the girl I loved in that moment. But I had to wait. I could only hope I wouldn't be stuck biting the bullet for too much longer.

"Thank you Camila." I shot her a genuine smile, one which she happily returned with a look of understanding. I stayed in place to watch as she turned around to walk away. Camila turned her head around to see me one more time before she disappeared down the halls of the school.

And with that, I entered the classroom, the skin on my hand where Camila had touched me was left burning; missing that contact.

I sat patiently in my chair and watched the other students present their assignments. Despite being respectful and quiet during other people's presentations; I wasn't actually listening. My stomach churned with that familiar nervous feeling, my eyes wandering out the window. When my gaze become fixated on the clear blue sky outside of the window, thoughts of Camila flooded my mind.

A lone eagle was soaring high up in the sky, not a worry in the world.


"Y/N?" The teacher's voice echoed in my head and chased away the idle thoughts occupying my head.

"Yes sir?" I responded promptly after giving my own noggin' a good shake in the attempts to clear it.

"It's your turn to present."

I acknowledged the teacher's words with a curt nod, rising from my desk to take the short few steps so I was at the front of the class. I lifted my head to see multiple pairs of eyes fixed solely on me. The teacher gave me a nod, letting me know I was right to start whenever ready.

I clench my fists, suck in a deep breath 'til my shoulders were raised and pushed back. Camila's words of reassurance that my voice was only ever soothing for her filled my heart and somehow helped take the edge off of my nerves. I open my mouth and-

Camila's P.O.V

An endless ocean of light blue reflects from my heart, filling the sky with the color of the emotion my chest yearns for so strongly.

One brave eagle soars through the sky on the high winds, his wings spread wide as the air ruffles his feathers.

'I wish I could be that free.'

My thoughts are forcibly dragged from the invigorating concept of freedom when I notice the sensation of skin brushing against my upper thigh.

I forced my eyes away from the endless sky to instead glance down at where Austin's hand was slowly making it's way up my leg. I cringed internally at the feeling of his touch trailing along my skin; he'd even pulled his chair closer to my desk so he could reach over comfortably. I let out a quick breath through my nose as I bring my hand down to shove Austin's away.

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