AP: Obito (Pt 10)

Start from the beginning

"you know the reason why im pushing this so much, obito. sasuke already went and got married and they took her name for the same reason you are. if you do it too, that would only leave me with itachi. the clan will have no chance of living on and the age old family will cease to exist," he muttered, very much defeated. "well if its any consolation...." we both looked to john,"....uchiha....is just a name, mr uchiha. that's literally all it is. it wont change the fact that the kids sasuke and sakura have will have uchiha blood in them. it will just be called something different from now on. obito's maiden name will always be uchiha. i could see if all of your kids were gay but only one of them is so the family will be just fine," offered john. he winked at me. dad sighed. "i suppose you are right, john. the name has been around for centuries and has been sullied enough my time on this earth. i suppose it is time to put it at rest," he said through gritted teeth. "great! looks like ill see you at the wedding, dad..." i had to hold in the gasp. didnt think he would go there. dad looked at him with a questioning look. john just shrugged. "dont push your luck, boy," he grunted. i chuckled.

"well that was unexpected," he said as we headed home. "i didnt expect that last bit from you. everything else was expected but that," i said, failing miserably to control my laughter. "well i had to attempt to butter him up a little. i thought we were losing him!" he said. i chuckled. "well im glad that is taken care of. now we can move on with the preparations," i said, pulling out my smart phone. i had made a list of various specific details that would make the wedding perfect. it want extravagant but big none the less. we couldn't spend millions or else people would wonder where all this money came from.

"did you invite everyone?" i asked him. he was in charge of the guest list. "yeah. i was even able to get ahold of shika and kiba. can you believe that kiba is a pro football player now?" he chimed. eh....i could see it. i was third on the list to be scouted. behind naruto. couldn't keep up with football while i was working so i ended up having to drop the team. if i would have stayed, im sure i would have been scouted like naruto and kiba. eh. you win some and ya lose some. "that's great! did you get ahold of naruto and hinata?" i asked. "yeah. they are out of the country right now but will be back in time for the wedding. its gonna be like a huge reunion. i heard they that they hadn't talked for a while so its gonna be fun," he said. i was relieved. we didnt have hundreds of people to invite and we wanted it to be more of an intimate event so the guest list was medium selective. no less than long time and old friends will be there.

two weeks later....

reader pov

its finally happening. two years of hell all led up to this. i say hell cause that's what it was like every day. after the first year or so, his away trips got more frequent and longer. not to mention the six month stay in prison after we got caught up in that raid. yeah, its been a journey but we powered through it. you would think that after all this time, we would have grown apart but id say we are closer than ever. didnt take long before i was standing on the alter. nice black suit with white shirt and black tie. i looked over the crowd, spotting some long time friends that i hadn't seen in a while. i couldn't exactly tell them about obito's family. they waved and i waved back. i saw his family. his dad and his girlfriend, suigetsu, itachi, hell....even sasuke and sakura joined the party. it was perfect. all the minor details were in line. all i had to do was wait.

it took a moment but the wedding music started playing as the back door opened. there he was, walking down the aisle. he was smiling as he got to the alter and stood across from me. he took my hands in his. the official started his spiel about how sacred this union is. i didnt pay much attention. i just focused on Mr (l/n) over there. just a smilin like this is the best day of his life. like he was happy he woke up this morning. i sighed. "the couple has written their own vows," he motioned to obito. he cleared his throat.

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