The History (1)

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There must be a reason why.

Lord Valon spends almost a hundred years gathering the vampire family, hiding and staying away out of Suttern watchful eyes. He manages to convince and gather as much as possible to create an army, convincing them that the Suttern will someday become theirs and their first target should be her.

The Daughter of Qye.

Lady Elleryn.

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Elleryn walks out the door leaving her chamber, the sun is shining through the hallway, as a soft breeze touches her pale skin. Seems like winter is near its end and it's about time she can gather her energy without drinking Qeeup or beg other creatures.

With a light slow step, Elleryn passes through many rooms and along the way sends a regard towards each soldier and servant she happens to meet, her smile had surprised them, though they did bow in respect to her. Upon finding the double door she passes many times, her step begins to rush as she unconsciously skips towards her destination, it's the library.

She needs to read books about The Failed Ones, perhaps she can find something through those books.

A way out.

Things that she never wants to know about before, until now. If her family will have to live in constant danger just because she is the first daughter, then she didn't want to live in that state for longer than necessary. She needs to find a way out of this deal without harming her families and Qye.

The sturdy pale smooth oak double door in front of her was carved with Suttern emblem, a wolf nestled around a crescent moon, a magnificent symbol of the Suttern that ironically was drawn by one of the fairies in Qye. It seems like the relation between Suttern and Qye is deeper than just a facade marriage.

Elleryn pushes the door in front of her, the silence inside the library was the first thing she notices, followed by the bright sunlight that lit the entire room. Each corner with sturdy and polished shelves filled with books which arranged accordingly, a few soft pristine blue couches situated at the middle part of the room and oak tables with books piled up on top of it.

Elleryn examines the shelves filled with books one by one, wondering where she should begin searching.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" a rough voice said, startling her.

Turning around she looks at the tall man in front of her, he seems around mid-forty but age cannot be determined by looks in this world. He has a sharp jaw with a high pointed nose, white hair that style neatly and his silvery white pupils staring right back at Elleryn.

His black uniform indicated his identity as the librarian, his features seem to soften after noticing the identity of the girl in front of him, as if he is glad she has finally come. His eyes seem twinkling with something Elleryn cannot decipher. The man clears his throat, looking around the room before meeting Elleryn eyes once again.

"I can help you find the book you are looking for," he said. Elleryn glances around before nodding her head.

"I need books about the failed ones, also some records about the history of Suttern Castle. It would be helpful if you could get me books about The Deal as well," it tastes wrong on her tongue, to say those words out loud, the failed ones.

Never in a million years, she would say that filthy words in front of other creatures, especially inside the Suttern. If the spirit happened to hear it, their stares of betrayal would keep her awake all week.

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