#85 Best Promise ever Broken

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Summary: Harry and Y/N—who are very much in love—get married and fly to Bali, Indonesia for their honeymoon. As it turns out, some promises are broken for very good reason. Emotions are very powerful.


Harry's POV

She never knew what she did to me. In fact, there was a definite chance nobody did. It had always been the little things that got me. Like the way her nose would scrunch up every time my morning stubble grazed her neck. Or the the way her eyes would light up every time she told me history facts from Google. Y/N was fascinating, to say the least, in more ways than one.

For the longest time my mind tried to convince me that told me that what we had would come to end—if I didn't try hard enough. So I fought every day. Not for her, but for us. A person is capable of wanting everything in the world, but they won't get it unless they earn it. More times than none that means putting in work.

There were times she drove me insane in the way that made me want to pull hair out. If my skin was dirt, she was a mole. Crawling under it and testing me in ways no girl ever dared. Looking back, I needed a good challenge. If I was doing something wrong, or that she didn't like, there was no way she'd let it slide. Something within me admired that bold trait.

For every moment of insanity moment there was a moment of insanity that wasn't bad. The type that released butterflies into my stomach and made noodles out of my legs. The type that made my heart go wild. She was the sun to my Earth. Alone, she could thrive, but I'd be nothing without her. Admitting that brings me no shame.

However, her only earned a bubbly laugh. Giving her a kiss was my next move. A hard, partially irritated partially passionate one. Her sly giggles poured into my mouth until they eventually faded into nonexistence. When we parted her eyes were small dark moons. That was the evening I told her I loved her.

She didn't say it back.

One month later is when those four words left her mouth for the first time. The two of us were on my balcony—now ours—looking up at the expanse of stars. We knew well the world around us was busy, but it felt as if time had stopped for us. For the sake of the moment I asked her to say it again. When she did, I swore I was going to marry that girl one day. That's exactly what happened.

"I do," I say, almost inaudibly. I couldn't bring myself to care if our guests heard. What matters is that the love of my life heard. Those two words belonged to her. They have since day one.

"You may now kiss your bride."

Our kiss is passionate, not rushed. My heartbeat increases tremendously, and despite the one promise I made to her, tears of happiness begin to well in my eyes. By the time we pull away from each other, her smiles is as wide and genuine as they come.

We leave for Bali early the morning after our wedding night, only running on poorly brewed coffee and Sun Chips. First Class gives us the leisure of eating satisfactory meals. We end up sleeping much more than intended, but we also talk and buy a few movies to watch.

If our flight hadn't been delayed we would've arrived much earlier than this. We took a few pictures of the sunrise to send to our friends and family who begged to stay updated. Tomorrow we'll have a rental car of our own, so we'll be able to squeeze in time to do some exploring of our own. There are already plenty of activities on our agenda. A couple of them are scheduled for later on today.

When I walk out of the bathroom, she's struggling to get out of her tank top. As far as I'm concerned, it's not going so well. Her breathy laughter fills the room as I opt to pinch her sides rather than helping her free herself.

"Babe, you're supposed to be helping," she whines. "That tickles!" She wriggles her hips in vain.

A laugh bubbles up my throat. "S'supposed to, princess," I state. "But I guess I have to be nice since it's our honeymoon." I give her  stomach a few final pokes before stoping altogether.

A thankful sigh falls from her mouth when she feels my hands tugging the fabric. A few seconds later I manage to free her arms and she takes it upon herself to throw the top onto the heart shaped bed.

Our suite is meant for couple's, and is on the side of the hotel with the most breathtaking view.

"You're so mean." There's a smile still lingering on her face, cheeks flushing. "I hate you for that," she mutters underneath her breath.

I raise a challenging brow. "Right. Cause every girl dreams o' spendin' a getaway in Bali with the man she hates. We can go back to noisy Los Angeles if you'd like. You better take that back, love." I take a step closer to her, our chests nearly touching.

"Okay, fine. I take it back. Now what are you gonna do?" Her eyes are alive with mischief.

Without uttering a word, I take her face into my hands and kiss her. My stomach turns and my hips involuntarily roll themselves forwards in search of friction. I mutter a breathless apology.

"I love you so much," I tell her after pulling away.

Her thumb comes up to run over my lower lip. "Mmm. You know, I'm actually glad I'm here with you. You're kinda cute, I suppose." In one swift motion, she manages to push me onto the bed, forcing me to lay down. A second later she's mounting my waistline. Her sudden act of dominance surprises me.

"Wow there, cowgirl," I murmur, smirking.

"Don't get excited. Look at these guys." She fits one of her fingers into a dimple on my left cheek. "So adorable." Every opportunity she got to tell me that, she took absolute advantage of.

Even after all these years, it feels weird to be complemented as often as I am—either by her, or somebody else who notices. Older women will come up to me in the shops and muse over how cute they were. Until you've walked two moons in my shoes, you haven't experienced anything near that level of awkwardness. However, it's strangely flattering.

"Then stop laughing so there aren't any dimples for me to poke," she counters.

Even when I bite my lip I can't keep myself from smiling.

Y/N looks down at me and exhales. "We're already having so much fun, and we've literally been nowhere," she says, suddenly. The look on her face goes from playful, to semi-serious in a matter of seconds. "Like, you'd think we'd get excited over swimming with stingrays or dolphins, but here we are with only each other.

"I really do love you, Harry. My life honestly wouldn't be the same without you," she admits.

"Believe me, my life would definitely not be the same without you. I love you more than anything. Being able to call you Mrs. Styles will never get old."

That was the truth.



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Remember, you're worth it. If you think you aren't, think again. I promise. God made all of us in his image, therefore you are beautiful.

-Nic 💘

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