#56 Possesive

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Dark Harry rises >:)


Harry's POV

I carefully observe their interactions. His lips were moving while she wore a big smile. I offer to pick her and this is what I get? A blatant stab in the back. She knows how I feel when it comes to her and other guys, yet she goes out and talks all buddy-buddy with them anyways.

She's mine.

They both start laughing and that's when a rush of anger flows throughout my body. My fingers grip the wheel impossibly tighter, making my knuckles turn pale. God knows how bad I want to go and tear that idiot away from her. He is absolutely no one to be talking to my girlfriend. But for her sake I decide to stay in the car. I happen to know how angry she gets when I interrupt work related conversations.

Moments later she's waving at him before walking to where I was parked. I unlock the doors when she reaches the passenger side and don't say a word as she gets in. I wanted her to know I wasn't happy.

"Hey," she greets with a smile.

It takes everything within my power to not say anything back.

I twist the key in the ignition slot and shift the car into reverse. For the first few minutes of our ride home it's quite. Nothing but the sound of the engine and the tires on the road could be heard. Her one word from earlier still hung in the air as if it awaited a response. At this point she doesn't even bother looking at me because she knows why I'm upset.

"So what's his name?" I ask.

"Daniel, he's my new coworker. He had a few questions and it's my job to answer them," she explains. "I have the right to talk to guys o. You shouldn't have a problem with that," she mutters the last part.

I find myself not caring about the fact that she was obviously irritated. "Were his questions jokes?" I continue questioning her.

She lets out a sigh. "No, Harry," she says.

"Last question." I think for a moment. "Do you like him?"

Her mouth fall agape. "I have no choice but to like him, Harry. I have to be with him for five days every week," she lets out a dry laugh. "If this is headed where I think it is, I don't wanna talk about it."

The only thing my mind seems to stay on is the fact that she'll work with him every week. "Did you mention having a boyfriend?" By now I was paranoid that he'd try to make a move on her.

"Sorry, but you already asked your last question," she states sassily.

I don't even bother responding to that. We'll see what happens when we get home. This isn't over.


As soon as the front door closes behind us, she hurries off to our bedroom before I can stop her. I let out an aggravated groan before quickly following after her. On my way there I grab a paperclip from the small bowl of them we have.

When I make it to the door I hit it with my fist. "Open up," I demand.

"How about you just go away," she says flatly.

"Y/N, if you don't open this door I'll—"

"Yeah, sure. Let me know when you're done being so damn possessive and ready to have an adult conversation," she tells
me. "If you wanna act like a greedy child then I'll treat you like one?"

Part of me knew I was being overly dramatic, but the other couldn't stand the fact that she was already getting friendly with Daniel. I'm fine with her talking to guys, but I haven't had the chance to meet him yet. A majority of the guys she knows, I know. That way, I can be sure they don't try to do anything to her.

I carefully unwind the paper clip and stick it into the key hole. She "lost" the actual key a few months ago so my only other option is to use what I learned high school. It always works like a charm. I jiggle the metal around some before I feel what I was looking for. I then press in and up to hear the click.

"If you had've asked nicely I would've let you in." I hear her voice from the other side. She swings the door open, catching me off guard with her calm expression.

When my eyes meet her beautiful ones I realize how pointless this truly is. I could've chose to drop the entire situation, but I decided to hang onto it and be angry. At the end of the day all I'm doing is wasting time. Here she is waiting for me to come to my senses.

"Yes?" She raises a brow.

"I—" I don't even bother.

"Exactly. Come here." She outstretches her arms and I walk into them. "I love you too much to dare cheat on you. I just wish you'd understand that sometimes."

Her words held truth but sometimes it's hard to not be possessive. I really, really love her. That's one of the ways my mind tells me to show it. It's not her decisions I'm worried about, it's theirs. Whether she likes it, I like it, or not.

- - -Thanks for reading- - -

Sassy Y/N rises.


It's been awhile. Hi.
Hopefully you all are doing good.
I graduate from 8th grade next week, ayyye. 🎉

-N i c 🍃

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