#32 First Time

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FIRST TIME (you're on the pill don't worry)

* Consider this your warning *

"Are you sure about this, baby girl," He whispers into the crook of my neck. A pleasant shiver runs down my spine, causing me to squirm underneath him. "If you're not, we can wait—"

I gently dig my fingernails into his shoulders and he cuts himself off. "For the last time, Harry, I'm positive. I love you," I assure him. And that was true. If it's anyone I wanted to loose my virginity to, it was him. My world.

With that, he sits up and looks into my eyes. They're unsure at first, but then a look of want washes over them. He shifts forward so that his member was pressed against my heat. An involuntary hum sounds from my throat.

"Positive?" He asks one last time.

"Do you want me to change my mind?" I say in a warning tone. I wasn't going to, of course, but he didn't know that. When I'm nervous I tend to get hella snappy.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry. I'm just afraid I'll hurt you." The sincerity in his voice was evident. Now I feel bad for talking to him the way I did. He was just being the sweet cupcake he is and caring about me.

There's no doubt it's going to hurt though. But it's not like he'll mean to inflict pain on me. I'll just have to suck it up. The worst that could happen is me starting to bleed. Many women do during intercourse.

I place my hands on his thighs. "Don't worry about me. I'll live." I try to lighten the mood by making a silly face. He chuckles before positioning himself at my opening. Unlike before, there was a feeling down there that craved for him. It was strong, strong enough for me to say, "Go ahead."

With that, he carefully pushes his hardened member into me. He places his hands on my hips for support. It's uncomfortable for the first few seconds, but I soon feel a bit of pain. I gaze at Harry and see that his eyebrows are furrowed in concentration. He was really trying his best not to hurt me too much.

A whimper leaves my mouth when I feel a sharp, almost tearing feeling. I exhale once the sensation dies down, but was stupid to think pleasure was right around the corner. The feeling is quick to return, but this time it was even worse than before. I bite my lip as hot tears prickle in my eyes.

As soon as Harry notices he seizes his actions. "Oh my gosh, do you want me to stop?" He asks frantically. "Y/N, I don't like— crap. I'm going to stop. I can't do this." He looked as if he was about to cry himself.

"No! You can do this, Harry," I say firmly. "I-I'm fine. We've made progress, so there's no point in stopping now," I encourage. I muster the best smile I can manage, despite the burning of my lady parts.

Moments later, those tears end up shedding. So this is what a lady's first time is like? Must not get magical until the third or fourth time. If this is this bad, then there's no way I'm surviving child birth. Guys have the easy life. Women have to go through so much physical pain.

As Harry continues riding me, he lets out a loud, throaty moan. At least one of us was enjoying this to some extent. "You're holding up so good, princess. I promise the pain will go away soon," he whispers. Ok.

In attempts to distract myself, I train my attention on his many tattoos. I bring my hand to his waistline and gently brush my fingers over his "Might as well" tattoo. His breath then hitches in his throat, causing a weak smile to spread across my face. He's all yours. I think. This beautiful human being.

I look up to find that he's already staring at me. Not that there was anything else to stare at. His face is glowing with a thin layer of sweat and some of his curls have fell into his eyes. He was extremely sexy like this. The expression on his face was almost hard to read. It was a mixture of concern and pleasure.

Before I have time to react, he's bending down and placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

Then it happens, his movements began to feel... good... pleasurable even. The feeling spreads to my stomach and throughout my entire body. My head rolls to the side as a relieved breath slips past my lips. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"This feels (moan), so good now," I murmur.

He smiles down at me and quickens his pace. He goes deeper and deeper each time, filling me entirely. Even though I was sore, it felt undeniably amazing. I was slowly drifting into my own world of bliss. There, it was just the two of us. A few minutes later, an unfamiliar feeling brews in my stomach. I decide not to say anything at first. When it becomes more intense I moan out, "Harry."

"Are you ready to come, love?" He asks, voice seeming raspier than usual.

"Yeah." So that's what this feeling was.

"Me too."

He thrusts a few more times times before I crumble over the edge. My walls repeatedly clench around him as he reaches his own high. Both of our bodies are sticky and shaking with aftershocks.

Harry stays inside of me for a few more seconds before pulling out and I gracefully rolling beside me. Both of our breaths were deep and uneven. We look into each other's eyes and smile. That was out of this world.

"Hi," I whisper.

"Hi, beautiful." He runs a gentle finger down my flushed cheek. "You did great. I hope I wasn't too rough. I really wanted that to be special."

"It was perfect, Harry. Trust me on that one."

Neither of us had any regrets.

End of imagine.

This is my first time writing smut. I no longer understand the meaning of life. *holds up lazy peace sign and slowly fades away*

Is it good tho? Just wondering.

-1nfinityDreamer :)

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