~rest in peace~

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This isn't exactly a good way to start this off, but I wanted to tell you guys that one of my classmates was beaten last night (5/12/16) and unfortunately passed away. The part that sucks is that he was only 14-years-old.

When the news first came to me I swear my heart almost came up my throat. Almost everyone in the 8th grade (including me) left school early because it would've been too much to be there the rest of the day.

Luis was the type of person who liked to make people laugh. He ALWAYS made me laugh.

It really sucks that he'll never get to experience high school, find a himself a wife, or have kids.

And to the 17-year-old who did it, I wholeheartedly hope you pay the price. Luis was my friend. Nobody deserves to have their life stripped away from them so brutally.

And guys, this update isn't meant to make you feel sad, it's to encourage you to appreciate the people in your life. Who knows when they'll become nothing but a sweet memory.

Since the incident I've grown to love my friends and other classmates even more. Our bond is nearly unbreakable now.

You might do this already, but the next time you're with your friends, make sure to give them a big hug.

To Luis: You were at school yesterday. I can't believe you're gone now. I cried and cried some more over you. Fly high.


As always, thank you all for reading.

I have a heavy heart right now, but expect an imagine later on tonight.

-Hannah :)

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