#59 Love Yourself

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Sorry for my absence.


No matter how many times you tried to convince yourself otherwise, the dark side of your mind would hold you hostage to negativity, making you think that you that your body was ugly.

When Harry walks into the bathroom on you wearing only a bra and panties, you grow uncomfortable. He must sense that because his facial expression shifts to a slightly confused one. "What?"

His question seems to hang in the air as you discretely pinch your stomach. "Ugly," you murmur, repeating your actions. "So ugly," you say louder, disgust building within you. Harry's body tenses upon hearing that. If it's one thing he has made clear about not liking, it's when you put yourself down.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to say that, Y/N? You're beautiful," he assures you, turning your chin so your eyes meet his. "And so many other things," he continues.

You wanted to believe him, you really did. It's just hard to. The next thing you know, tears are streaming down your now rosy cheeks. You try to wipe them away, but Harry grabs onto your wrists. You weakly struggle against him for a few seconds, but you eventually give up. Pathetic whimpers leave your mouth as he looks at you with those observant green eyes. You felt so vulnerable, so exposed

You cried for what seemed like hours. The whole time, Harry was holding you and promising that there was nothing to cry about because you were perfect in his eyes. If anything, you were beginning to feel better than before.

When the only sounds in the room have reduced to the two of you breathing, Harry lets moves his hands to your waist. He then turns so that both of you are facing the mirror. "You're still dressed," you absentmindedly point out.

He doesn't question you, all he does is rid himself of his clothes, leaving him in nothing but black boxers. His hands then return to their spot on your waist. The feeling you were feeling moments ago was slowly beginning to fade into non-existence.

"Thank you for being here," you say.

"Don't thank me," he insists, kissing the top of your head. "It's part of my job to make sure you're happy," he states with a dimpled smile. Damn, those dimples.

Smiling, you roll your head back onto his shoulder. "I love you so much," you tell him. There was no other way to put it.

If nobody has told you today, you're beautiful. You might not look like model or have what they have, but there are special things about you that make you you. You're beautiful in your own way both on the inside and out. ❤️

-Nic ☁️🍃

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