#54 Assuring Kisses (4th Day)

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The second Harry's hand makes contact with the silver doorknob, I place mine on top of it. "Are you sure you're ready for this, baby?" I ask one last time just in case. 

He lets out a sigh before looking into my eyes. "I don't care if it feels like a bullet to the chest. I want whatever answers Dr. Gaston will give me," he states surely. And with that, I move my hand and he opens the door.

A white room with a basic floor plan and floral paintings is revealed to us. The scent of hand sanitizer hung in the air like it does in every hospital room. What I almost miss is the icy-blue pair of eyes staring at us that belong to a man with salt and pepper hair.

"I'm Harry Styles, sir, and this is my girlfriend. We're here to receive information about Anne Styles' current condition. I'm her youngest and only son," Harry tells the man, not letting his voice waver once.

The man clears his throat and adjusts his thick rimmed glasses. "Well, then. I can definitely see the resemblance, Mr. Styles. You two are welcome to take a seat if you wish." He motions towards the two chairs in front of his desk.

As we take our seats he looks through a pile of pink papers. "So Anne never told either of you about needing breathing help since her diagnosis?" The doctor questions, looking up for a brief moment.

His expectant eyes meet mine and I honestly don't know how to respond. Harry's mother has never been one to not talk about something. She's usually a very open woman. This is a shock to both of us.

Harry reaches into my lap and intertwines his fingers with mine. Knowing he needed it, I assuringly squeeze his hand. "Her diagnoses of what?" It was clear that Harry was pained to have to be asking such a question. Seemingly, his mom would've told him about her health issue, but that wasn't the case.

The doctor freezes. "Oh, you guys don't kn— excuse me for asking." He stops searching for whatever he was looking for and takes off his glasses. "About a month ago, Mr. Styles, your mother was diagnosed with pneumonia. It wasn't bad then, but now it's gotten to the point where her lungs are producing way too much fluid. That's why she's receiving breathing assistance," he explains.

My heartbeat grows faster.

Harry lets out the breath he was holding and shakes his head. "I just don't understand why she didn't tell me," he says. "I could've been over here with her instead of the states. She's been suffering and I've been nowhere to be found." He lets his head drop before quickly bringing it back up.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Styles. We genuinely wish we could've phoned you, but we can't do things like that without the consent of the patient," the doctor explains. "We're sorry," he says again, sounding genuine.

Harry and I make eye contact and I can see the guilt and pain in his eyes. "Here, let's step outside for a moment," I suggest. He doesn't protest when I stand up and pull him along with me.

Once we're outside where the doctor can't see us, I wrap my arms around him. He immediately lets out a defeated sound and buries his face in the crook of my neck. We don't say anything, it's quite.

I wait a few moments before speaking. "All we can do is pray she'll get better really soon. Don't blame yourself for anything. It's not your fault you didn't know." I tell him, continuing to rub circles on his back.

"It hurts," he murmurs, lifting his head.

"I know," I say.

"I wanna see her," he tells me.

"We can go see her." I press my lips to his. "It's gonna be ok," I whisper.

Harry's POV

The second her lips meet mine, a feeling of calmness immediately washes over my body. Only she had the power to do that. There's just something about her presence that's so comforting.

"It's gonna be ok," she whispers into the kiss, pulling away afterwards. I wish it could've lasted much longer than it did, but we have things to do.

"You ready to go back in there?" She asks.

Seconds later we find ourselves sitting in those exact chairs again. Y/N's right. Everything will be ok.


I enjoyed writing this.


If you don't know already, Pneumonia (fluid in lungs) is when your mucus glands produce too much phlegm. That then leads to breathing difficulties and other things related to that.


Can someone come get me? It's really hot where I live and I don't like it. 😩

Hope you guys enjoyed!

-N i c 💫

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