#47 Campus Beginning

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"Everybody quite down and take your seats. As soon as I find my pointers we'll begin," Professor Mathis announces. He then begins sorting through scattered papers. I'll tell you one thing, he's never been the organized type, but he's one of the only professors that actually gives a crap about us paying attention. The others could care less.

All of a sudden, someone behind me whispers, "Excuse me." I turn around, and sitting there is an unfamiliar face. "Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" He asks, a hopeful look in his shimmering green eyes.

I decide to be an ass. "No," I joke.

His face falls and I stifle a laugh. "Just kidding, I do have one," I admit, reaching into my bag. "Here. Hope you don't mind pink." The one I hand him has Breast Cancer ribbons on it. My mom had bought a whole bunch of them after her sister was diagnosed last month. Somehow I ended up with a some of my own.

"Thank you." He says gratefully. My eyes seem to fixate themselves on the small cross tattooed on his hand. It was simple, yet artsy at the same time. "What?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Crap, I was staring.

Way to go, Y/N.

"Your tattoo. It's neat." I mentally punch myself for using the word "neat" to describe it. Who even does that?

"Oh." His eyes flicker down the black ink. "Thanks."

"Yeah, no problem." And with that, I turn myself around. The last thing I needed to do was increase my creeper level.

About five minutes later Professor Mathis finally begins his lecture about 17th century Europeans. All of which had two things in common: having been a scientist and dead. Somewhere along the line I give up on taking notes. He'd gotten in his Highly Educated QFxqr.

"Are there any questions so far?" He asks.

A girl in the front with raises her hand. "Can you repeat what you said about that one guy? I didn't quite catch that," she tells him. A few snickers sound from around the room. This is suppose to be college, but the people here act like it's high school 2.0.

"Well, Miss Chao, all you need to know is that he was a very well known scientist and influenced present day space machinery. That's the answer they'll be looking for on your tests," he explains. "Now is there anybody else?"

"What time do we leave this hell hole?" Brandon Atwood calls out. Almost everybody in the room laughs. Classic Brandon. All he wants is attention. And girls. All Professor Mathis does is give him a stern glare.

I almost squeal when someone pokes my side. Sure enough, it was him. "What now? Do you want another pencil?" I ask, slightly annoyed. A chuckle slips past his lips and I end up fighting off a smile myself.

"No, I was going to ask if you were doing anything this afternoon." I freeze.

"No, why?" I don't even know him.

He pushes his long hair out of his face. "Well, I just switched to this class and I need someone to get me caught up. You seem nice, so—" he stops talking.

"We can meet up in the library, I guess," I offer.

"That'd be great. What time does your last class end?" He questions. "Oh, and I didn't catch your name."

"That's because I didn't throw it. But I'm Y/N. My last class ends at noon," I inform him.

"How does twelve thirty sound then?"

I give him a thumbs up before turning back around.

The end of history rolls around quicker than usual, but that doesn't change the fact that I have to rush to English.


As soon as I enter the library I'm greeted by its book-like scent and my best friend Sam. "Hey, Y/N. What brings you here?" She asks, enveloping me in her thin arms. "I thought you despised reading," she teases. It was actually the exact opposite. I love it. She pulls away.

"Actually, I'm meeting up with someone." Her expression urges me to continue. "He's a guy. His name is Harry." Her entire face lights up.
Oh, brother.

"Girl, this is your chance to get a bf." The tone of her voice seems to have grown higher in pitch and louder.

Unlike me, she has luck when it comes to guys. I mean, she's gorgeous. If I wasn't straight I'd totally try to smash. She has light brown skin, curly hair that never loses its volume, and the prettiest hazel eyes. Not to mention her outgoing and friendly personality.

"I think he's here," she smiles and points behind me.

I turn around for the thousandth time today and there Harry is with a grin on his face. "Oh, hey, Harry." Something told me he'd made bunny ears above my head.

"Oh, hey," he attempts mocks my tone. I try not to laugh at how horribly he did so. Instead, I playfully glare at him.

Sam clears her throat. "Well, I'm going to leave you two to it. Holler if you need anything. Er whisper, I mean. Oops." She gives me a quick one-armed hug before going off to organize books.

Thank God there weren't many people in here. It's nice having the place almost to yourself. Not that it matters or anything, I just prefer being alone sometimes.

Harry and I seat ourselves at a round table, him sitting to my right. I take out my heavy ass history textbook as well as notes I'd taken in some previous classes. That should be enough to to get us started. Good thing the semester didn't start too long ago. He would've been screwed if that was the case.

"Do you wanna start from the beginning or today?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "We can start from today. You're shirt is cool by the way."

It had Michael Jackson's name printed across the center. "Thanks. Do you listen to him?"

"Yeah. What's your favorite song?"

"Billie Jean," I answer without thinking.

"Ooo, good choice," he praises, nodding his head in approval.

And thus was our campus beginning...

End of imagine. Thanks for reading!

I feel like a baby in the fandom sometimes. I'm not even in high school yet...

~ 1nfinityDreamer ~ 💫

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