#58 For his Princess

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"Because interracial couples and biracial children are hardly expressed in the 1D fan fiction world." -1nfinityDreamer via Tumblr.

So yeah, this is something I wrote on Tumblr. I know it's crappy.

"Daddy, I want her, she's pretty!" Mia points to the doll with your caramel skin and coarse hair. Harry's eyes follow her tiny finger and he smiles. "Mhm. She's beautiful like mommy," he says, kissing his daughter's cheek. She smiles at the resemblance. "Yeah, and the Ken doll is like you, but with blond hair," she points out.

As Harry takes the doll off the shelf, an idea comes to her mind. "If I get Ken I can pretend it's you and mommy and make them have lots of babies," she plans out in one breath. Surprised by the last part, Harry raises an unsure brow. "Lots of babies?" He repeats carefully, slowly. Surely you wouldn't have taught her about the birds and the bees this early. Not without him, at least. Mia eagerly nods. "Yeah. You two will kiss and then pray to God for all the children," she explains. Relieved, Harry chuckles and later ends up buying both dolls for his princess.

"Guess what, daddy?" Mia says from her car seat. Harry briefly glances in the rear view mirror. "What, sweet pea?" He waits for her reply. "Well," she starts, giggling giddily. "Mommy said that if I'm good she'll straighten my hair tomorrow," she tells him. Harry personally thought Mia's hair was fine the way it is. She had curls—like Harry would have—that were long and spirally. They went well with her light brown skin and hazel eyes. "You better be a good girl then." His eyes meet her's in the mirror and he winks. She smiles widely, eyes crinkling, and nods. "I promise I will be." Mia was a good kid, but she's mischievous. Whether it be at home, or at school. "Promise on your new dolls?" Harry smiles to himself. There's a moment of silence. "I promise on my new dolls," she finally says.

As soon as they make it home she runs straight to you. "Mommy, mommy, daddy bought me dollies!" She excitedly announces. Harry soon after enters into the living room wearing a guilty expression. He knows exactly how you feel about her growing doll collection. She already has too many as it is and neglects nearly half of them. "Oh, really? Let me see them, Mi-Mi." Mia digs into the plastic bag and pulls out the Ken doll first. You smile at the proud look on her face. "Wait, there's her too." She hurries to pull out the mini version of you. Your smile fades away, but not because you're sad. Surprised would be more like it. You look up at Harry to find him already smiling at you. He mouths the word 'beautiful.' You feel your cheeks heat up and you shyly look away.

Later that night when the two of you are getting ready for bed, you hug Harry from behind after he pulls his shirt off. You could feel the toned muscles of his back. "Love you," you murmur, softly kissing his shoulder. "I love you too, baby. You better move before I start craving something we can't have right now," he warns. You chuckle and let your fingers wander along the waistline of his boxers. "What exactly are you craving, baby?" You purr in his ear. He shivers at the feeling of your warm breath. "Please don't make this harder for me, baby." Harry turns to you with an amused expression. "I'm not doing anything though." You innocently smile. He knew exactly what you were doing. "Well, I'm sure you wouldn't want Mia hearing you. She might think I'm trying to hurt you," he whispers against you lips. When you don't say anything he know he's won. "That's what I thought." He smirks and gently pecks your lips. "Later," he promises.



Thanks for reading.
My 8th grade graduation is tomorrow and I'm going to miss everybody :,).

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