#33 Gone

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He waited for her.

Long after her plane had arrived, into the next day, and even the one after that. Because somewhere deep down he truly believed that she'd come back to him. He needed her. She was the only person keeping him from going insane.

"She's not coming back, mate. She's gone." Louis sadly pats Harry's leg. "The only thing you can do now is move on."

But that's just it, he didn't want to move on. Heck, he couldn't move on. Not without his beautiful Y/N, at least. How stupid of him for believing their relationship would work out. She was too good for him. All she is now is the one who got away.

Louis lets out a sigh. "Listen, man. You seriously need to go home. You haven't showered in what, two days? You're smelly. You look like utter rubbish." Louis pauses. "And I'm only saying this because I care about you, Harry. Just get on with things already," he says firmly.

Maybe the older lad was right.

Harry runs a hand through his messy curls and stands to his feet. "You know what, fine. Fine."

End of imagine. Thanks for reading!

I enjoyed writing this.

-1nfinityDreamer :)

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