#70 Soft Side

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*The prompt this imagine is based on will be in the A/N ;)*


As soon as the "second-place" title pops up on his corner of the screen, Harry tosses his controller down in frustration. When it comes to gaming, and life in general, he's never been one to settle for less than what the highest achievement is or could be. Whether it's video game wise, sports wise, or simply showcasing knowledge in a certain area, he prides himself in being the best he can possibly be.

Earlier on, before him, Louis, Niall, and Liam had switched to playing the Wii, when they were playing COD on the Xbox, he would brag whenever he managed to snipe someone. Which was funny, because if it hadn't been for them, he'd have not the slightest clue of how to execute that skill.

"We should go again, aye lads?" Liam, reigning first place racer, questions. The smug smirk on his face suggests that he's expecting to win a fourth time.

Everyone, including a frustrated Harry, decides that a round three is definitely due. It's not long before the sound of music and roaring engines fill the room yet again. You watch in amusement as the four boys, physically twist, turn, and flinch, each wanting to claim victory over one another.

The amount of testosterone circulating is unbelievable.

As always, you're eyes are trained on your boyfriend's character, the always mischievously evil, Waluigi. In no way did he remind you of him, but Harry always liked to insist that he's like that—you don't believe that. Beneath that cocky, tough guy façade of his, there's a man who cares deeply for the people involved his life; his family, friends, and more than anything, you and the princess on the way. Even if that's not always easy to see.

Words show who you want to be, while actions prove who you are.

By the time the third lap rolls around, they're grunting and huffing as if they're competing in a quartet wrestling match. Suddenly, you little girl begins to deliver weak kicks to the inside of your stomach, demanding that you start rubbing gentle circles underneath your shirt to calm her.

A, "Bloody hell! Everyone knows that I should've been the winner!" from Harry signals the end of the race, and a third place position for him.

This time around, Louis' the one who's entitled to act all smug. Simply because of who he is, he makes a point to high-five all the boys to express good sportsmanship. Expect Harry, who isn't having it. "Hey. Cheer up, will you?" He playfully flicks Harry's forehead. You can't help but smile at the evil glare he receives in return.

Although it may seem like it half the time, the curly haired boy wouldn't dare lay a finger on any one of his best mates. No matter how much they manage to piss him off. Other than you and his family, they're all he has.

Harry cracks his knuckles. "You know what, Tomlinson, I could really slug you right now. You too, Payne," he claims. "You two idiots just had to use blue shells when I was in first."

"Well, you brought it on yourself, mate," Louis chuckles, giving Harry a pat on the shoulder. "Too bad, so sad."

Liam nods. "Exactly. Maybe next time you should try using a strategy instead of playing to win," he suggests.

Ignoring his friends' budding bickering session, Niall walks over to where you're stretched out on the couch. "Y/N, you can have my controller if you wanna play round," the blonde offers, giving you that smile of his. Considering you've been doing nothing but watching for the past fifteen minutes, he figured you could use a little taste of the action.

"Thanks, I—"

Out nowhere, Harry interrupts you. "Right. Ni, mate, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave my pregnant girlfriend alone. She's carrying our child and doesn't need to hurt herself," he tells him, firmly, not in a rude manner. "These clumsy blokes don't have enough of my trust to race with her around. They'll probably topple over on her. Plus, the last thing we need is for our child's first words to be 'vroom-vroom,'" he explains.

Niall hesitantly looks at you before bursting into laugher. Even you have to bite back a smile of your own.

"You may think I'm joking, but I'm being fucking serious," Harry warns.

Your eyes furrow. "'Vroom-vroom?' Look at you cussing like a sailor. She's literally right. Here. Styles." You make an exaggerated motion to your big belly. "So you better watch yourself."

He simply rolls his eyes, brushing you off. "You better watch yourself," he mimics, turning away from the two of you. Deep down, he wishes the f-bomb never left his mouth.

He knows he messed up by saying that, and that you're right about being careful. It's not like he actually meant to say it. He was serious about wanting you to be safe, which is part of the reason it slipped out.

Later on that night, your eyes close as soon as your head hits the pillow. Despite Harry's orders, you ended up participating in a few races, which really took it out of you.

"Y/N, are you awake, love? Y/N?" When the bed dips down, you feel his breath fanning over your belly button.

"Hey little Y/N junior," he whispers. "You don't know this yet, but I love you more than anything in the world, well, maybe besides Y/N, but I love you both so very much."

A few moments pass before he breaks into a soft song, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." He holds the last note, and you swear it's one of the most beautiful sounds you've ever heard.

"Well. Daddy's gonna go to bed now, sweets. Goodnight. I love you." He presses a few gentle kisses to the warm skin of your stomach.

You heart has turned to fluttering mess within the confinement of your ribcage. This is honestly one of the cutest things he's ever done.

As he's crawling up to his pillow and is about to turn over, you tell him, "I never knew you could sing like that."

His cheeks immediately heat up and his brain helplessly searches for the right words to say. "I was just, I—"

"Shhh. That was so adorable, Harry. You're going to be such a good father," you compliment, reaching out to gently palm his cheek.

He sighs in defeat and leans into your touch. "Baby, I love you guys so, so much. It hurts." He's never been one to completely let go and share his feelings, but when it comes to you and his daughter, he's putty in you guys' hands.

"We love you," you promise.

"I'd do anything for you and Darcy. You won't even have to ask twice. You know that, right?" He questions, voice growing thick with emotion.

"I know. Thank you." And you mean it.



Thank you so much for reading! If you liked this, make sure to leave a vote and follow me to stay updated on new imagines!

**For anyone who may need this. I needed it at one point too**: If you've been wanting to try something new, don't think and just go for it. You'll feel much better knowing you were crazy enough to, than sitting back and continuing to doing nothing. You don't have anything to lose. Even if you fail, you'll learn from it and be able to improve. :)) 💕

Prompt from Tumblr:
Person A is a super cocky and witty acting person who tries not to show lots of sentiment. One night while a pregnant person B is sleeping beside them, A sits up and says B's name a few times. B is deep in sleep and A smiles. They lean really close to B's stomach.
"Hey little _____ junior. You don't know this yet, but I love you more than anything in the world, well, maybe besides B, but I love you both so much."
A proceeds to softly sing a lullaby while rubbing B's stomach. After about 10 minutes, A kisses B's stomach
"Goodnight, (baby name) I love you."
A turns over to go to sleep and hears B say
"I didn't know you could sing like that"
A is super embarrassed and can't speak. B thinks it's incredibly sweet

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