Game On

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Kate was out of the Salvatore house in a flash. All she could think about was vengeance. She wanted Damon and Klaus to suffer more than anything. An idea popped into her head, and Kate pulled out her phone before dialing a number.

"Hello?" the person asked, half asleep.

"Hey," she responded in a mock worried tone, "Is this a bad time?"

"No, it's fine. Are you okay?" the person asked. 

"Not really. Can you come get me?" she asked innocently.

"I'm on my way."

Meanwhile, Damon slammed his fist against the wall. "What are we going to do?" he howled. 

"Damon-" Elena cried.

"No! You don't understand. If she is like any other Salvatore then flipping her switch means hell for the rest of us!" he yelled.

Kate stood walked up to the Grill, spotting her target. "Jeremy!" she called. He turned around and smiled.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked. Kate grabbed Jeremy by the collar and pulled him close before ripping off his vervaine bracelet.

"I need you to deliver a message," she purred, sounding eerily like Katherine. "Game on," she laughed before giving her instructions. She threw Jeremy back and sent him off to do her bidding before she walked into the Grill. Kate surveyed the room and spotted her targets.

A group of college guys sat in the corner of the room, howling at some joke that probably lacked the slightest drop of intelligence. Perfect. Kate sauntered over to the table and sat down. The guys nudged each other and looked her up and down.

"Who are you looking for," one flirted. Kate grabbed two of them by the wrist and pulled them up forcefully. 

"I'm thinking all of you," she compelled.

Damon had finally started to calm down when Jeremy walked in. "Jeremy?" Elena asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I just saw Kate," he explained.

"What happened?" Klaus asked. Jeremy grabbed a pair of scissors that was sitting on an end table and plunged it into his thigh. 

"She said game on," he gasped before falling to the ground.

Kate sauntered out of the boys' apartment and onto the streets of downtown Mystic Falls when she saw Klaus. He sped up to her in a flash and pinned her against a wall. "What are you doing," he hissed.

Kate just stared at him for a moment before laughing in his face. "Are you actually trying to act like my dad? Come on, Klaus, you know me better than that."

"What do I have to do to make you turn it back on?" Klaus pleaded.

"Bring him back," Kate spat. Klaus slammed her even harder.

"I will rip your throat out right here if it means protecting innocent people," he threatened.

"Oh please, Klaus. I know you're stronger than me, but you and I both know that pinning me against this wall is killing you inside. You would never kill me, no matter what I did," she whispered. She hit a nerve with Klaus because he dropped her to the ground. Kate brushed herself off and stood up.

"Don't do anything rash," he warned.

"I will rip through this town until I am the last person standing if I have to," she hissed before speeding off into the night. 

"Oh my gosh, Jeremy!" Elena cried. Stefan knelt down next to him. 

"He's okay, he didn't hit anything major. He's just going to be in pain for a little while," Stefan explained.

"Damon, this can't go on," Bonnie warned.

"We can't do anything about it! We have to let her run her course," Damon grumbled.

"I don't think so, mate," Klaus replied as he sped in.

"And where have you been?" Stefan asked.

"I saw Kate, and she isn't going to stop. Come on," he instructed before speeding off. Damon followed him to an apartment downtown. 

"Why are we here?" Damon asked, following Klaus up a flight of stairs.

"I want to show you that she's serious," Klaus explained before opening a door. Four guys were laying around the apartment, looking like they passed out drunk.

"So she drained some drunk guys until they passed out?" Damon asked, unamused. Klaus smirked before nudging the guy closest to him with his foot. His head rolled across the floor. Damon's eyes widened.

"Crap..." he gasped.

"The only way to flip back her switch is with an emotional trigger, which we both know would be Kol," Klaus explained.

"The whole point of compelling her was so that he wouldn't destroy her and this town in the process. How are we supposed to let her back?" Damon asked.

"The Mikaelson Ball is coming up. If we can keep Kate out of it then we can let Kol back in as a trial run to see what he'll do. If he screws up, then we kick him back out. If he doesn't, we can negotiate his flipping her switch with him being able to stay," Klaus explained.

"Do you really think that'll work?" Damon asked.

"I know my brother. He'll do anything for her."

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